Part 16: Have You Turned Into A Villain?

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Part 16: Have You Turned Into A Villain?


Our ever-growing group of four people are now sitting in Aaron's small living room. There was one couch and a chair, so Ed and I shared the couch, Heath took the chair, and Aaron decided to sit on top of a cushion he placed on the floor. We were quite an odd group of people to be working together. The only other circumstance that I would see all of us being put together would be when a teacher chooses your partners for a group project.

Aaron's dog, Luna, who looks like a small pit bull mix, takes laps around the room. She stops every once in a while to be pet, and she eventually rests in the corner of the room on a cushion.

A small coffee table sits in the middle of our arrangement, and on top of the table sits huge bowl of popcorn. Honestly, Aaron lives off the food of a broke college student. Heath glares at Ed across the table, and Ed glares back at him.

Aaron looks at me in question as if sensing the tension in the room. I sigh and cross my legs placing my hands on top of them.

Aaron breaks the silence by letting out a breath. He turns towards Ed raising a brow. "Ed, right?" He asks gesturing towards Ed, who nods. "So, how do you know Rose?"

"We met when I joined the association. We're very close," Ed answers sending a look at Heath.

I go to grab a handful of popcorn, and I throw a few pieces into my mouth.

"Why was I brought here? And why did you leave, Rose?" Ed asks also grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"I-" I start to answer, but Heath cuts me off.

"She left, because she broke me out of your oh-so-perfect association."

I blush at his remark, and Ed gives me a confused look. "Um, Ed, we need you to help us infiltrate the agency."

Ed's look of confusion turns to surprise. He stands up and looks back at me. His face turns red, and I can tell he is upset.

"Infiltrate the..." Ed trails. "Rose, have you turned into a villain?!"

Ed's hands curl into fists, and I look at him in worry. "No, no. That's not it. Ed, the association is attempting to steal powers from people and use them to control people!"

I stand up as well. I need Ed to believe me. "Please, trust me," I ask quietly.

Ed stares back at me and sighs in reluctance. He sits back on the couch, and I follow. "Fine, I guess, I'll figure out if there is proof anyway when I spy for you all."

I smile and look to Aaron and Heath. Aaron is smiling along with me, but Heath continues to glance between Ed and I with a mixture of anger and worry.

Aaron claps his hands together and stands up with a huge smile. "Okay, I think we should call it a night. I only have one bed, so Heath and I could share, unless Rose wants to share with someone, because she is the lady here."

I shake my head. "It's fine. I will sleep on the couch."

Aaron looks towards Ed. "You can stay over as well, since we'll need to discuss plans for tomorrow. Though we can drive you home, if you want."

Ed shrugs. "I can sleep on the floor, if you have an extra pillow and blanket."

Aaron sends a finger snap towards Ed. "I got you covered, man. You seem chill. We'll be good friends."

Aaron leaves the room to go get Ed and I some blankets and pillows for the night. Apparently, Heath saw this as a time to interrogate Ed.

"Eddie," he drawls out, and I wince knowing Ed hates being called Eddie more than he dislikes being called Ed. He prefers Edward over anything. "What's it like to be working with the person you put in jail, aka me?"

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