Part 6: Encounters with Broken Glass

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Part 6: Encounters with Broken Glass


I push the door to the old dollar store. It doesn't budge. I assume if this was a headquarters for Heath, he wouldn't just leave it unlocked. I look over at the broken window.

I can't imagine how stupid I look right now. An eighteen year old wearing a black and grey super suit standing outside an old dollar store. I look as stupid as someone trying to eat at Chick-fil-a on a Sunday.

I pull my hair into a quick bun. I assess the broken window. The hole looks big enough to fit myself through.

I step up on the ledge to the large window. I press my hands on the broken glass wincing as it digs into my skin. I push against the glass heaving myself through. I roll into the store. I let out a small cry as I hit the floor.

My palms have deep cuts in them from the glass, and my pant leg has a cut from my knee down.

I get off the ground. I walk over to the door. I go to unlock the door but see the lock is already undone. I push on the door, and it easily opens.

The door was pull not push.

"Crap!" I whisper to myself.

I walk to the medical section of the store. It's a lucky shot, but I find a box of bandages sitting on a shelf. My hand aches in pain as I open the box and pull out two wraps.

I wrap up my hands ignoring the pain that shoots out my hands everytime I use them.

I look around the store cautious of a trap. I search through the fridges and back wall. I go behind the counter, and I try the employees only door, but its locked. I assume I hit the jackpot.

I notice a rug on the floor. Lifting it up, I see a small silver key underneath. I shake my head at the idiocy it takes to leave a key under the doormat.

I take the key and fit it into the lock. The key slips in and clicks. I twist the handle and the door opens with ease.

It's too good to be true.

I step into the headquarters, and I am immediately thrown back into the door that closed behind me.

"It's common courtesy to knock, you know?" The smug voice comes from a dark corner of the room.

The room was dimly lit and small. A table on the far side was littered with gadgets and papers, but besides that the place looked like a small home. A bed was pushed against the wall. A small kitchenette sat in a corner. Even a small tv was hung on the wall.

I look to Heath who is moving towards me in slow steps.

"So, did City finally figure out my coordinates?" He runs a hand through his dark locks.

"Why am I forced back, He- Rain?" I caught my tongue on my slip up. Heath doesn't know I know his identity.

Heath tilts his head at my stutter. "I have an electric field on my door keeping anyone who comes in pushed back unless I say otherwise."

Heath smiles. He walks further into the light, and it illuminates his face. His features are striking as usual; a beauty to be seen.

"Now, for the fun part of you being here," he states.

Heath walks to his desk. My eyes watch his every move. He pulls out a vial. Its contents are a clear dark blue substance.

Heath walks back to where I stand pushed against the wall.

"Did you know that the contents of a superheroes powers are accessible through their bloodstream?"

Heath pulls a needle gun out of his pocket. He injects the vial into place, and the dark liquid fuels the gun.

His tone is dark. A chill runs down my spine.

"So if you take a small blood sample, you can remove a small amount of powers from a super. Then, you separate the powers from the blood, and you have a weapon."

His eyes meet mine. They are a dark blue. I felt if I fell into them I would drown in a never ending abyss that was Heath.

His voice became a low whisper. "The thing is, if you take a small amount of power from a super who can alter a person's choices, you have a memory eraser on your hands. The powers never work exactly as you think."

I gulp. My hands push hard against the door wishing to break free.

"Are you going to make me forget?" I whisper.

His eyes dart between mine. The kind, quiet Heath I met last night is lost in his soberness.

I almost don't hear his response, but I do.


He places the needle to my neck. The cold metal stings even though it's not yet injected into me. I stare at him intently, my gaze burning into him.

"I will make you forget. I will make you forget every good and bad thing you've done or have had done to you. All the places you've went, all the people you've met will cease to exist in your mind.

The only person you will know is me, because I will be here for when the serum takes effect. We can then work together."

I glare at him and bite my lip keeping words held back on my tongue.

I feel the electricity run through my hands. The flow of energy coursing throughout me.

The electric field holding me back loosens. I search Heath's eyes to see if he notices.

Heath gulps as his hands start to squeeze the trigger, but I break loose.

I move around him pushing him to the door with his back to me. My electricity flows from my fingers twisting in circles around Heath. He is trapped in my cage of lightning.

"You should have pulled the trigger sooner," I say as I smile.


A/n: Woohoo! Another update. I'm actually exhausted this morning, so be glad I remembered to update. I will probably be taking a update break sometime around Christmas. It will give me time to get some more chapters ready for all of you.

If you liked this chapter, vote to help me out! I always appreciate it. Leave a comment as well to tell me your thoughts.

As always, have a great day and stay safe!


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