Part 17: Pots and Pans

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Part 17: Pots and Pans

Warning: There is a mild swear word in this chapter.

It was past midnight. I was almost sure. And yet, I was still awake on Aaron's couch, my mind wandering if Heath really did care about me. My mind also wandered to why Ed and Heath didn't get along.

I roll over on the couch. Luna, Aaron's dog, lays in the corner snoring, and Ed lays on the floor beside the couch. I shift on the couch again and fluff my pillow. I wish my mind would stop asking questions I can't get questions to.

"Hey, Ed?" I whisper to see if he's awake.

I see Ed shift on his makeshift bed, and he yawns. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"No, what's up?"

I pull my blanket more up around my shoulders. "Nothing, I just couldn't sleep."


The room goes silent for a few seconds, and I thought Ed might've fell asleep on me.

"Did you really break Heath out of the villain sector?" he asks.

I bite my lip wondering how Ed would respond to my answer. "Yeah, Ed you should have seen what they were doing to them. They stole a heroes powers to put into an injection to make the villains tell the truth, and then they brainwashed them. If the captives didn't give the association the answers they wanted to hear, they would torture them until the captive gave them the answer," I rambled.

It made me fearful that day. It was amazing how easily people could get away with stuff right under our noses. People and organizations we trusted.

"I want to believe you. I do, I think," Ed whispers.

"Thanks, Ed," I say relieved.

"But, to let you know, the only reason I am here is because I promised to stay by your side as long as you stayed by mine."

He sounds resigned, and my heart breaks. Ed had to grow up too fast. All of the association's young recruitments did. It wasn't fair.

"I'm sorry, Ed. I'm sorry you had to grow up so fast. I wish we could have just been normal high-school students. I'm sorry it took so long for me to call you." My mouth moves without thinking, and I spill out all the thoughts that had run through my head all day.

"It's okay, Rose. It really is. We can't change it. We just have to be there for eachother."

I smile, and a tear I didn't realize I had fell down my cheek. I sniffle and wipe it from my face to hide it, but Ed somehow notices.

"Are you crying?" he asks.

I shake my head. "No, I didn't think I was," I laugh slightly.

Ed moves off the floor, and I sit up on the couch, so he can sit beside me.

His face is scrunched and full of worry that I didn't realize he had. "Please, don't cry. I hate seeing you cry," he whispers.

I laugh softly again. "I'm not crying. A tear just slipped from my eye."

Almost to prove me wrong, another tear falls. I laugh, but it sounds sadder and sadder everytime I do. "I don't know why I'm crying." My voice wobbles as I speak, and I become annoyed by my unknowing.

"I mean this week has been crazy, but it isn't new to us. Hasn't our job always been to fight the next bad guy?" I reason.

Ed nods, and I lay my head on his shoulder. He was comforting, not in the way of someone who I had romantic interest in, but the way that feels like home.

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