Part 22: I Care About You

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Part 22: I Care About You


"I'm coming with you," I demand, placing my hands firmly against the table.


"Don't you 'Rose's me, Ed," I snap," I'm coming with you. I can take care of myself."

Aaron and Ed had came up with a plan to get back Heath and other "villains" captured by the agency. They had a team of supers coming to help, and yet they expected me to stay behind.

Aaron looked at me with regretful eyes. "You almost fainted after a phone call yesterday. You going to make yourself more of a liability than a help, Rose."

My voice broke as I tried to explain. "Please, you can't leave me here. I'm the one who let him get captured. You have to let me get him back. I need to get him back, Aaron," I pleaded. Ed's eyes darkened as I spoke.

I hated being weak, and I hate them not trusting me. I hate not trusting myself, but I had to make this right. Heath's face popped into my head, and I knew that I had to get him back.

Aaron sighed, and my heart dropped. There was no way I would change his mind.

"We will get Heath back, but you have to stay here."

The chair I sat in flew back as I stormed from the room. I trudged down the stairs to the basement, falling into the old rolling chair. I let out a piercing scream as I put my head into my hands.

Useless, weak, broken, harmful. The words echoed through me, in me. They were me. I held my emotions into my brain, not letting my powers gain control. I gritted my teeth against the pain.

Maybe I was a liability.


The team Aaron and Ed had put together arrived to the house. Out of the group I recognized five out of the six people there.

Heath's grandparents, Henry and Lucy stood near the corner of the kitchen. Lucy looked ready to pound someone's face in. I wouldn't get in the way of her feirce protection of her grandson. Henry looked at his wife with love and reverence. I aspire to find a love like them someday.

Sitting in one of the table's chairs, I recognized to be Ed's partner from the day we took Heath into the association the first time. He looked like a giant compared to the small chair. Broad shoulders and chest and a strong build, he looked to be useful and a force to reckon with.

As for the other two people I recognized, Jerry and his friend Josh stood in a strong stance near the kitchen's entrance.

The only person I did not know in the room was a tall, slim girl with straight, ebony hair. Her eyes had dark bags underneath, and her eyes matched the color of her hair, deep and dark black. She had an aura of darkness, and it honestly spooked me. She stood with her arms crossed, leaning against the kitchen counter.

I started to enter the kitchen as Aaron finished explaining the exact plan to the group. He had a map of the association spread across the table, different symbols drawn on it.

The team nodded as Aaron finished, and the team started to head to the door.

Jerry nodded to me as he and Josh headed out the door. Lucy exited the kitchen and caught my eyes.

She enveloped me into a huge hug, and I almost cried at simply that. I didn't realize how much I needed a hug until now. I squeezed her back in the hug.

"Oh, don't you worry, dear. Henry and I are always her to protect family," she said in her beautiful sing-song voice.

"I'm glad you love Heath so much."

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