Part 24: Don't Watch

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Part 24: Don't Watch


My eyes took in every inch of him. Dark black bruises had formed around his eyes, his wrists were cut and bruised as well, and a long, deep cut ran down his left arm. Somehow, he was still handsome.

We were inches apart, Heath and I, yet I felt the tension between us sizzling. Heath had looked me over as well, his face strained.

I went to move towards him, be closer to him, but as I moved a few inches an electric shock runs through me pushing me back. I cry in pain. I look to Heath, who sat on the other side of the forcefield. I realized a tear had leaked onto his face.

His hands were handcuffed behind him to the wall. I couldn't get to him, and he couldn't get to me.

"Belle," he said, his voice hoarse almost lost.

"Heath, I'm here."

"No, Belle-"

The door to his side of the forcefield opened. A tall, man with short, dark hair came in, a large black bag at his side.

Dread pooled inside me, burning at the pool of my stomach. The dread filled me as I realized why I was in this room. I cursed Arden in my head at her plans.

Heath sinked into the wall when the man sat down the bag. His eyes wouldn't meet mine.

"Don't watch," Heath croaked.

The man turned toward Heath, almost deadly silent. The man had taken out a long knife. I sucked in breath as the man unlocked one side of Heath's handcuffs and brought his arm forward.

"What did I tell you about speaking unless told to?" The man drawled as he pressed the knife against Heath's right wrist. The knife pressed into the skin and tore a new, long cut along his already cut wrist.

Heath refused to look at me, his eyes focused on the corner of the room. He let out a hissed of pain as he bit down on his bottom lip.

The dread in me turned to pain as I  watched Heath.

"No," I said between gritted teeth. "Leave him alone."

The man paid no attention to me.

"Who else is working with you?" The man asked.

"No one," Heath bit out.

The knife returned to his wrist.

"Shit," Heath cursed as he squeezed his eyes shut.

Tears pooled in my eyes. "Stop! It's true! Leave him alone," I cried. I stood up of the floor and sent a wave of electricity towards the man, but the forcefield reflected it back to me. I crumpled back to the floor as the shock went through me.

I gasped clutching my stomach struggling to breath.

"Stupid girl," the man scoffed," you'll learn well to not try to interfere, or your companion here will pay."

Another slit to Heath's wrist.

I bit my lip to keep from screaming at the man. Tears streamed down my face, but u stayed silent. Heath shook in silent fear. I ached everywhere.

Despite Heath's words of advice, I never looked away. The man asked questions, and with each answer that didn't meet the man's standards another slit to the wrist.

After who knows how long, the man left the room. I let out the cry u had been holding in. I wanted to say something to Heath, but what was there to say?

The door to Heath's side clicked again. This time a slender woman entered. Her blonde hair was streaked with red and pulled back into a messy bun.

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