Part 12: Four Painkillers Needed

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Part 12: Four Painkillers Needed


His face is paler than I had seen it before, yet his nose was reddened. Lines, of what had once been tears, trailed from the corners of his eyes to his chin. His face was full of worry, and I couldn't help but want to comfort him.

"Belle, please, wake up," Heath whispered.

My blurred vision started to come into focus, and I became aware of my surroundings. I blinked my eyes, trying to make sense of the world around me.

I attempted to sit up when a sharp pain shot through my entire body.

Heath smiled at me and chuckled. "Be careful."

I laid my head back on the pillow it rests on. Miko noticed my consciousness and padded over to greet me. He curled up beside me and purred.

I frown. "What happened?"

Heath rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground. "You ran out into the rain in a panic. You were freaking out, and then you sent out a an electricity wave that shook the entire van. After that,, all the power you used must have made you pass out," he explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, my eyes not meeting his, "sometimes I get overwhelmed, and I lose control. You didn't get hurt, did you?"

Heath shook his head, smiling. His smile gave him a classy almost handsome look. I wish he would smile more.

"You have such a hero mindset. You're okay. That's what matters." He pauses, as if thinking something over, and continues. "Look I shouldn't have gotten angry with you."

I smile. "Thank you. What happened after I passed out?"

"I ran out to get you after the electricity wave. The rain had collided with your power it seemed and left burns all over you. I pulled out your first aid and put ointment on you the best I could, but I think you're going to be left with scars."

I nod. That's why it hurts to move.

Heath looks away from me and shifts to his side of the back of the car. "We should probably rest today. You lost a lot of energy."

I stay silent and look out the window of the trunk. Rain drops were still splattered against the glass. The outside was dark and gloomy.

I know Rain wants to leave. He doesn't want to be a part of saving the city. I understand why, and I know I can't keep him here, if he wants to leave. I don't know why it's so hard to let him leave, though.

Maybe it was because he was right all along, or maybe it was because he showed me compassion and seemed to care. Maybe it was because he wasn't afraid of what I could do and what I was capable of. Maybe, it was all of those things.

Either way, I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to stop him from leaving. I wanted to not be alone.

"Heath," I began, my voice soft and quiet. I wished that he wouldn't hear me at all, but his head turned to look at mine. "I don't to be selfish, but I want to be selfish when it comes to you."

Heath frowns. His eyebrows pinch together as if trying to make sense of what I'm saying. "How do you want to selfish?" he asks.

"I know you want to leave, and I should let you." I take a breath. My eyes don't meet his, but I know he is looking at me. "But, I want to keep you here. I want you to stay with me."

I let out another shaky breath which sent a sharp pain through me. I wince.

Heath puts his palm against my cheek. Its warm, and I lean into him. My eyes go back to his. Dark swirls of confusion cloud his gaze. His thumb follows the trail of my cheekbone, and I still.

"I'm not leaving unless you're leaving with me."

I nod my head and bite my lip thinking about the words that left his mouth. "Okay."

"We do need to work out a plan," I mention, "but we can't stay here."

Heath nods. "I was actually thinking about that when you were passed out. My grandparents live outside of the city in a cottage not far from here. They wouldn't mind us staying there for a while."

I agree with Heath, and we both agree to head out tomorrow.

I look at him as he starts to get out some pain medicine for me and some canned food as well. His eyes have dark circles underneath them, and his hair is quite shabby. He looks tired, and I wonder whether he has had any sleep since our fight yesterday.

"Have you slept any since yesterday?"

Heath smiles, but I can see the fatigue seeping through his actions. "I'm fine, Belle. You need to take some pain killers."

He hands me four white pills, and I look at him with a raised brow. "Four? Are you trying to kill me? The bottle says two pills at most."

Heath rolls his eyes, which not to mention, is kind of hot. What am I talking about? I can't think he's hot.

"Belle, you're a superhero. I don't think four painkillers are going to kill you," he deadpans. "Besides, you literally sent a shock wave through the atmosphere, so I think that's going to cause more pain than two of these pills can deal with."

I take the pills, washing them down with water. "Fine, but if I die, I want my tombstone to read "Death by idiot who can't read lables"."

Heath runs a hand through his hair and opens his can of mini spaghetti and meatballs. "You are so dramatic."

I place a hand over my heart in fake hurt. "Says the one who literally has to give an entire speech over his "master plan" everytime I come to stop him."

Heath sends me a look before going back to his dinner. Beside, Miko stirs in his nap. He gets up and stretches out his paws before turning and meowing at me.

"What is it, Miko? Do you need to be let out?" I ask, scratching behind the gray cat's ears.

Miko lets out another meow, and I look over at Heath. "Can you let Miko out for a minute, please?"

Heath nods and opens the car door. Miko hops out of the car, and I can only hope he's trained enough to come back inside.

"You know, you're cat is smart. He whined after you got hurt. Almost as if he could sense your pain," Heath mentions.

I laugh and nod my head.

A few minutes later Miko hops into the car again, and he greets Heath and I with a soft purr. Heath finishes his dinner, and he starts to open my can of ravioli.

"Do you think you can eat this by yourself?" he asks motioning to the can.

I nod. "You can get some rest now."

"Are you sure?"

It wouldn't have mattered whether I agreed or not. Heath was already settling into his pillow, and his eyes were becoming heavy.

"Yes, sleep well."


A/n: You're welcome. Two uploads over the span of two days. I felt is was only fair, since I kind of left you on a cliffhanger last chapter.

Heath and Rose are continuing to get closer.... wonder what that's about 🤔

Also can I just mention that I love writing Miko? I didn't realize how much fun it would be to write a cat, but it's really fun to bring his character into the story.

Anyway, leave a comment to let me know you thoughts on the chapter ->>>

Leave a vote as well if you liked the chapter and to support this book! Its always appreciated. Have a good day (-:


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