Chapter 63 : "Plan B"

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    The sound of a door clicking open woke me from the darkness that clouded my vision. As my eyes flickered open slowly — helping me to adjust to the blinding light of the illuminated room — a low voice sounded.

    "Ah, so you're awake, huh? Took you long enough..." The foreign voice spoke harshly.

    "Where...?" I started, getting cut-off almost instantly.

    "You're in the Tokyo Detention House. Room two-hundred and three, to be exact."

    I felt my ears perk up as I jumped to my feet rapidly — readying myself for an escape — only to collapse as soon as my feet came into contact with the floor. Groaning, my hand shot up to my head — comforting the place in which my head impacted with the ground.

    "Dumb move, kid. Your body's still recovering from your 'family reunion' a couple of weeks ago, or have you forgotten what had happened already?"

    As I repositioned myself to sit upright — propped up against the wall — I took in the appearance of the man in front of me. His hair was long and slovenly — resembling the color of a raven flying overhead in the dark of night — while his eyes were black and ominous, reminding me of a deep abyss.

    Eraser Head.

    "You were impaled...?" The disheveled-looking pro hero reminded me — pointing to the bandaging along my stomach. "You've been fading in and out of consciousness, acting delirious and feverous, for the past two weeks" The man explained. "Honestly, you could have died. You didn't have your tetanus shots up-to-date, so a rusty pipe — flying straight through your stomach at a hundred miles per hour — could have killed you. I guess villain-work doesn't come with a health-care plan."

    "Dabi, Toga, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Twice... Are they... Okay?" I began again — worry and regret lacing my voice — as I noticed Eraser Head's expression soften for a moment. "I saw them coming last minute towards Izumi and I, and I... I just want to know what happened to them..."

    "They got away — with exception to Twice." He spoke, walking towards the small desk that sat close to the door. "As soon as your so-called friends saw the heroes capture you, they ran away like cowards."

    No, they didn't...

    "Even the big guy." The man elaborated. "They left you."


    They didn't.

    "So... What now? Why are you here?" I asked.

    "You've built quite the reputation for yourself, kid..." Eraser Head replied. "24-hour surveillance. Guards aren't cutting it — as proven during one of your episodes over the past two weeks. So, pros have been patrolling outside your room, and it just so happens that I was on duty when you began stirring in your sleep." Eraser Head explained — pulling out a phone. "Now, I'm going to alert the warden that you've woken up, and we'll bring your attorney in."

    This will be a headache.

    I groaned in response as I banged my head against the wall repetitively — trying to either wake up from the nightmare I had been shoved inside or make my cause of death 'head trauma'.

    "What are you doing?" Eraser Head asked me in a monotonic voice — without shifting his gaze from his cell phone. "You'll damage your brain."

    "Not like I'll need it anyway..." I responded dryly. "A trial is pointless; you'll just be prolonging the inevitable. I'll be going away for life — if not receiving the death penalty — because we all know that I'm guilty of whatever crimes you people accuse me of."

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