Chapter 37 : Now, The Fun Really Begins...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    The periwinkle-haired girl began to emit those same golden spirals from her hands, but around her feet, allowing her to fly.

What an interesting quirk...

    From the air, her golden beams began to spiral towards me. They weren't the fastest, but they did hold a sort of beauty to them. It was quite majestic the way her quirk flowed towards me. Easily dodge-able though, so it wasn't the most practical power I've seen.

    I allowed the beams to pass through me as I sighed.

At this rate, Izumi's gonna escape me...

"Look, I'm in a hurry, I've got a sister to kill, and not a lot of time to kill her." I sighed as my gaze shifted between the three.

"We get that Izumi wronged you, but please, she doesn't deserve to die because of it! You can still stop this! You can choose not to kill her!" Kirishima shouted at me, as the blue-eyed girl continued trying to hit me with her quirk.

"Yeah, I could chose to leave her alone, but I don't want to." I laughed, flashing one of my signature, happy smiles at the periwinkle-haired girl, causing a faint blush to spread across her cheeks. "Look, none of you know what that bitch has put me through, so just stay out of it and let me kill her."

    I deactivated Ghost, once again, and caught the girls fist as it was about to come into contact with my face. Pushing her back into the wall, I stared into her eyes and leaned in.

"Y'know, you're actually pretty cute... What's your name, beautiful?" I spoke in a whisper, before pulling back and taking in her blush-stricken face.

Yeah, she should be out of commission for a while...

    I felt a presence pass through my transparent body, and then noticed that Kirishima had recovered faster than I thought he would have.

"We're not letting you leave this room!" I yawned as he spoke, hardening his whole body. "Red Riot Unbreakable! Red Gauntlet!"

    As Kirishima ran at me, I stuck out my hand and deactivated Ghost. Using my Shock Absorption, I absorbed the power of his punch, then I expelled it into his arm, crushing it instantly. He screamed as the excruciating pain traveled throughout his body, making me smile.

"Now, we can end it here, or we can continue? Either way, I'll win, but I'm giving you a chance to leave now. I don't often do this, so I'd take me up on my offer before I change my mind."

"No! We can do this!" I glanced down at the red-haired boy on the floor and he tried to kick my legs out from underneath me, only giving me more power.

"You just won't stay down, will you? I wanted to keep you alive, but-"

"No! Stop! Don't kill Kirishima!" Uraraka spouted, noticing my hand about to pull a knife out of my jacket.

    I turned to look at her as she ran to Kirishima, before touching him and making him float.

"Uraraka! We can beat him! Put me down!"

"No we can't! He's too strong, and you're hurt..." Uraraka began. "Besides, Izumi brought this upon herself, it's her fault if she dies-."

    Everyone stared at her in shock as blood began to flow out of her mouth. Her body dropped to the floor as blood pooled from her head. The loudness of the bang, making everyone in the room freeze, was still echoing throughout the room.

"Although I agree with you, those weren't very heroic things to say. A hero should protect everyone, even bitches like my sister."

"You said you'd let us leave!?" Kirishima yelled in anger as his body dropped from the air, informing us that Uraraka had either lost consciousness or was dead.

Most likely dead.

"You shot her!" He yelled as he crawled to Uraraka's body, laying limp on the floor.

"Yeah, I said you could leave, but she began talking like my sister, so I killed her. I mean, she wasn't wrong, my psycho of a sis definitely brought this upon herself, but a hero saying 'it's her fault if she dies' is definitely not the mindset they should have. Don't worry, I'm just saving society from another Izumi. You're welcome."

    He rose from the ground and tried to punch me, but once again, my Shock Absorption just absorbed the power. I got a better look at his face as he continuously ran at me, trying to punch me with his quirk.

    He had tears in his eyes, and his face was practically screaming his emotions and new-found hatred towards me. It was quite the sight.

    Peering behind him, the other girl ran towards Uraraka's body, with tears in her eyes, as she frantically screamed at Uraraka to wake up.

"Uraraka! Wake up! Please, get up! Say something!" She screamed in frustration and sadness as tears streamed out of her eyes.

    Kirishima ran at me—trying to punch me—as I deactivated Ghost. He raised his fist while, once again, screaming 'Red Gauntlet', but I beat him to the punch and clocked him in the face—finally knocking him unconscious.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm sure she'll be ok..." I lied as I tried to console the girl.

    I don't like making girls cry. I don't like making anyone cry—excluding my family and past tormentors. Watching people cry makes my stomach churn and twist. I guess that's guilt.

"You killed her..."

"I'm sorry, I just..."

    I placed my hand on her shoulder and tried to calm her down. Seeing the pained expression on her face made the guilt rise like a lump in my throat.

    I don't regret killing the girl. She wouldn't have made a good hero if she had honestly thought one life matters more than another. That's not the way a hero should think. I guess there really is a difference between heroes and villains.

Villains do the dirty-work that heroes are too scared to do.

    She put her head in her hands as she sobbed over Uraraka's dead boy.

"Hey, hey, it's ok..." I spoke with sincerity as I patted her head.

    I'm not the best at consoling people. I used to be pretty good, but I guess over the past year and a bit, I've gotten worse.

    As I attempted to console her, I felt my body abruptly being pushed down. In confusion, I saw the periwinkle-haired girl over me, pinning me down as she cried. She began slugging me in the face as I took it.

I can't hit a girl when she's crying, Twice would kill me...

"You killed her!"


"You murdered a fifteen-year-old girl!"


"How could you do something... so...-"

    She cut herself off with a sob as her punches became softer and slower with each word. Her arms caved in on herself, causing her figure to crash onto mine. She began crying into my chest as the fact sunk in.

Her friend was dead.

    I sat there, stunned at the situation, before feeling a vibration from my pocket. I slowly pried the girl from me as I checked my phone.

'Where are you?'

    I looked at the time after reading Overhaul's text. It was five minutes past the time I was supposed to meet Overhaul to take Eri to safety.

"Uhm... I got to go, but I'm sorry about your friend..." I spoke softly, as I pat her head, seeing her blue eyes clouded in despair, tears still streaming down her face.

    I felt bad leaving her there, but I still had a job to do.

Complete the plan.

    I began to stand as the girl mourned over watching her friend die in front of her, then I turned and left, to meet with Chisaki, Nemoto, and Eri. Shaking off the guilt, I reminded myself...

Now, the fun really begins.


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