Chapter 57 : The Perfect Plan...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V


    I heard the voice of Gigantomachia cry out as I watched his fist come into contact with the double Twice had made of me. I cringed at the sight of my clone melting in front of me under the strain of Machia's power. We had been fighting Machia for what felt like an eternity―even though it's only been around a month and a half since we had started this difficult mission―but our attempts of making Machia submit to our reign was to no avail.

    It had been Mr. Compress, Twice, and myself who had been fighting Machia at the moment. Taking into consideration that Gigantomachia could attack for forty-eight hours and forty-four minutes straight with no rest, we had to take turns in battling the giant; although, I had almost always been fighting Machia. I hadn't been sleeping much since we had begun our conquest of sorts―considering that I am Machia's primary target.

    Even with the constant physical activity and lack of sleep―leading me to an average of three hours of sleep every two or four days―I can't help but smile. This is one of the most draining and difficult times of my life, but I feel so alive. The drive to reach my goal during the last stage of my preparations is propelling me through the multiple agonizing days in a row I spend fighting the man in front of me.

    After this, the ball will really begin to roll. Once I conquer Gigantomachia and make him submit to me, I will obtain All For One. Then, I can begin my plans for 'the enlightenment'. My plans to expose those that have wronged me. Those that have wronged my friends. Those that have wronged humanity. My plans to expose those that pose as heroes and oppose the truth and justice for the youth.

Of course, first thing's first.

I have to make Gigantomachia submit to me.

    I began to fire an attack from my whips until I realized that the mental timer I had set in my mind had stopped―signalling to me that Gigantomachia would be sleeping any second now. Watching as the man in front of me―back-handing Twice―fell to the floor, sleeping, I deactivated my whips.

"Is he sleeping now?" Mr. Compress began. "When does that monster find the time to eat?"

"Yay! You're still alive, Izu-chan! You don't look so hot, though..."

"I'm fine, Toga." I grinned. "And that man's slowed down a lot. I'm getting closer and closer to defeating that gorilla each time we battle." I spoke, glancing up at my friends as I took a seat on the broken ground beneath me.

    As soon as I felt my body relaxing and my breath evening out from the slow of adrenaline, a ringing sound echoed out of Twice. He slightly fiddled with his suit as he tried to take out a phone from God knows where before checking the caller-ID and speaking.

"Huh? Getting a phone call from Giran." He explained.

    Mr. Compress seemed outraged―considering that he'd been attempting to reach Giran for a while and the man's been ghosting him. Telling Twice to inquire about his robotic arm's insurance―or lack thereof―Twice answered the call with masked glee.

"You there, man?! Why haven't you picked up the phone when Mr. Compress calls, you jerk!" Twice yelled into the phone, acting tough, even though he had been gushing over the fact that Giran had been checking up on him ever since they had met, just a moment ago.

"Ah, I'm afraid that would be our fault. I assume I'm speaking to Jin Bubaigawara, the villain known as Twice?"

    Murmuring sounded from around Twice's phone as we heard a voice we hadn't expected to hear echo throughout the speaker.

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