Chapter 12 : Who Are They?!

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The U.A Traitor's P.O.V

I felt refreshed as I sucked in a breath of the dewy, morning air from the window a couple of rows across from me. Mornings were my favourite for this reason. The air was refreshing, humid, and dewy – more so during Tokyo's rainy season, that being June and July, but luckily, the spring's air could at least manage to be refreshing in the mornings.

My job as the League's named 'U.A. Infiltrator' was to gather information about U.A. High School from the inside and report back to them to attack the heroes at their weakest points. Although, it wasn't as if the students had access to information detailing blind sports U.A. was vulnerable to and such, so I wasn't sure how much help I was. At this point, I honestly felt like dead weight to the League, like they could do fine without me.

I knew I needed to get up off my ass and put in the same amount of effort as everyone else.

With motivation coursing through my veins, I stood abruptly from my seat and walked towards Mr. Aizawa's desk – concealing my deviously poisonous grin in the process, which I was dead sure no one had been able to notice.

"Mr. Aizawa? May I use the restroom?" I asked sheepishly.

He gave me a quick sideways glance – not taking his eyes from his work for more than a few moments – before nodding a short 'okay' and permitting me to bolt through the unnecessarily large doors towards the bathroom. Immediately as I arrived in the restroom, I checked every stall thoroughly, as well as the hall for good measure, before I inevitably went invisible.

Joining the League as a spy, All for One realized it would be in the League's best interest that I had a stealth quirk to conceal my presence when necessary, so he gifted me a more worthwhile quirk – a second quirk. It was a quirk that gave me the ability to turn myself invisible; however, that was boring on its own. Invisibility was valuable – especially when compared to my first quirk. However, it wasn't good enough in a school as paranoid as the famous U.A. High: Hero school extraordinaire! A school like this would have infrared and thermographic surveillance cameras made to detect invisibility quirks if need be. Otherwise, people with powers like Hagakure's would have free range over the classified documents in U.A.'s vault.

Invisibility was nothing to scoff at, but someone on a mission to destroy everything heroes stood for would need something more. So, my quirk also gave me the ability to control my body temperature. With a feature like that, I could match my heat signature to the temperature of whatever room I enter, thus concealing my visual and thermal presence. So long as I didn't make any audible noise or move in an environment where footprints could be left, I would be completely undetectable.

I called this quirk Dissipate.

Using Dissipate to its full potential, I scoured the halls for something, anything, that may be of use to myself and the League, and then I came across a room titled 'The Archive'.

This is it.

I found it surprisingly unguarded for a place that presumably stored information about students, teachers, and advantageous points in the school that could all be exploited by ill-willed people – such as myself. However, I wasn't going to complain.

"After all, it's their funeral." I grinned, speaking at a low, husky voice – undoubtedly from not having spoken all morning.

While choking down the need to clear my throat in fear of being louder than necessary, I looked through files for timetables, schedules, or any other form that would help me find a moment where the heroes would be more spread out, rather than all condensed in the main building. And like a gift from whatever God or Devil was watching over me, I felt a file titled 'U.S.J.' fall into my hands.

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