Chapter 53 : Now.

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Nejire Hado's P.O.V

The anger and resentment I felt inside began to boil over as I watched Agony leave the room. My vision twisted and warped with colours of red and death, and all I could see was my hatred and distaste towards the now-deceased man who had slain my parents.

His head rolled towards Agony's bed—smearing blood against the floor—and collided with the bedframe harshly. The man's eyeballs were rolled back, and his mouth was left agape, only making it that much more horrific to gaze upon. One part of me wanted to avert my eyes and run from this situation I had been placed in, but the other wanted to kill Harada Doi a second time—making him suffer for what he had done.

I wanted to kill him myself; although, he was already dead. I wanted to make him pay for what he had done; however, that was now impossible. I wanted to get justice for what he had done to my parents; I wanted revenge for what he had done to my parents.

I felt my body shaking with rage and anger as I began walking towards the head with eyes clouded over with rage and bitterness. My shaking only intensified as I found myself standing over the head. I looked down into the cold and rolled-eyes of the murderer in front of me, and then I stomped my foot down onto the man's head—crushing it into mush.

Feeling my shoes become soaked with bio-hazardous fluids, I began to cry. This was a mess. Literally and figuratively. I should have been there when my parents were murdered so viciously. I should have been there when Agony murdered Harada Doi as gruesomely as he appeared to. I should have been the one to do it.

Stomping my foot down—repetitively—on the pile of human remains beneath me, I felt a sense of relief. I felt like I was getting my revenge. I felt like I was avenging my parents, but I wanted more. I wanted to do more. I wanted to feel like this more. I wanted to cleanse the world of crazy people like Harada Doi. I wanted to save more people like me from the trauma of hearing that their parents were murdered. I wanted to do so much more.

I'm here to help humanity.

I want to change the world.

I want to free humanity from itself.

I want to wake up and see a society full of kind, empathetic, and good-hearted people.

Agony's words rendered in my brain and echoed throughout my mind like a voice in an underground parking lot. His ideals, his goals, his dreams for the future, they all seemed to click in my mind in that instant. I finally understood what he had been meaning. I finally understood what he had seen in the world, and what he saw for the future of the world. I understood what he could see in humanity, and what he wanted for the future of humanity.

I want to fix society, and I want you to help me.

I want to fix society, and I want you to help me.

I want to fix society, and I want you to help me.

My vision swirled as I repeated those words in my head like a chant. My head was pounding and my body felt cold.

I want to fix society, and I want to help you.


Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

"No way! And then what happened?" I asked Eri—laughing—as we caught up.

"Then there were lasers and streamers, and there were lights, and it was all so cool!" She beamed. "Everyone in Class 1-A tried their hardest when they performed!"

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