Chapter 39 : No Interferences...

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Izumi Yagi's P.O.V

I ran as fast as I could from the room as soon as the opportunity arose. I thought I could take him, but his quirk pretty much makes him invincible. I can't touch him...

Maybe if I could get my hands on the bullet that villain shot at Tamaki the other day...

If I could erase Izuku's quirks, then he'd be nothing more than a pathetic, useless, cockroach that I could crush easily.

He's nothing.

Always has been.

Always will be.

He may think that he's something because of his new-found superiority-complex, but he's sorely mistaken. He'll see that someday, but it'll be too late. He crossed a line. He killed our dad.

I heard screams—coming from the room I had just ran from—but I didn't care. Kirishima will work it out, it's not my problem if he gets hurt. He chose to step in and save me, anything that Izuku does to him is his problem. All I need to do is find the brat that's wasting all of our time, bring her to Night Eye and the other pros, and wait for the praise they'll surely shower me with.

I'll get praised by the heroes, my classmates will begin talking to me again, and everything will go back to normal.


It sounded weird, nothing will ever be normal again. Izuku has ruined everything. If he had just died that day, dad would still be alive, my classmates would never have stopped talking to me, and mom wouldn't be so depressed all the time. Even Mina dying was his fault. Everything is Izuku's fault.

Nothing in the world is right anymore because of selfish people like him.

Only taking, never giving.

I ran around the base like a headless chicken for what felt like hours—looking for the brat—until I began to hear chatter. It sounded like a little girl mouthing off about something stupid.

It's probably the brat we were looking for.

I smashed through the wall—keeping me from the girl—and ran to her. She looked exactly how I remembered her. Bandages around her arms and legs, red eyes, pale-blue-grey hair, and a disgusting horn on her head. Her washed-out, beige dress made me want to throw up and she was completely doused in blood.

I approached the girl and began scolding her.

"You think it's funny to waste the heroes' time? Huh? It's despicable how someone could be so immature to act as if they were being abused just to meet heroes. Come with me, I still have a job to do. Act as if I saved you or something, will ya?"

Her body shook as I grabbed her harshly and walked her to the entrance of the base. I should just let the pros deal with her, but I still want the credit for saving this little shit. As I dragged her along, her legs gave out and she began whimpering.

"Oh shut up, will you? And walk properly, you're being extremely rude!" I shouted at her, making her shut up quickly and recompose herself.

After a few minutes of walking, I ran into Mirio. He looked with wide eyes at the girl in my arms.

"Eri!" He shouted with relief. "You saved her!" He looked at me before bending down and lifting the shaking girl in the air.

He smiled at her and hugged her, staining his hero costume in blood.

"Come on, we should get her to the pros!" He yelled with excitement and joy as he began turning on his heels and running down the halls. "I know the way."

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