Chapter 40 : It's You!

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    The purple mist—enveloping my body—quickly dissipated as I felt the cold embrace of the night air quickly surrounding me. The smell of cedar and pine filled my senses as my eyes took in the sight before me.

    The cold, night sky—full of stars. The forest—partially chard. The mountain-side—still crumbled in parts—and the red hat of the child I had saved, shinning in the light of the full moon.

"Hey." I beamed from the silence, announcing my presence to the child that sat, watching the stars in an awe-filled gaze.

    The black-haired kid jumped a little as I spoke—breaking the silence he had been sitting in—and turned to face me quickly. Seeing my smile, he stood up and ran towards me, wrapping his little arms around my torso.

"Agony! It's you!" Kota spoke, smiling up at me with joy. "I didn't know if I'd ever see you again..." He spoke, burying his face in my stomach.

"Yeah, I guess I should have mentioned that I had planned on dropping by sometime to check up on you. My bad." I smiled as I rubbed the back on my head.

"Come watch the stars with me!" He spoke happily whilst dragging me towards the spot he had been sitting previously.

    We sat, watching the stars and caught-up for what seemed like hours, but in reality, was probably only thirty minutes. We talked about video games, then about his care-takers, then he asked me a different type of question that caught me off-guard.

"Hey... Uhm... Agony..?" He asked, causing me to turn my head from the sky to look at him.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Uhm... I just wanted to know..." He began, as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt—obviously anxious and nervous to ask his question. "Were you really... Y'know... All Might's son?"

"Hmm..? Oh... Yeah, I guess I was..." I answered back, shifting my gaze from him to the sky above us.

"Was All Might really as bad as you said he was on T.V?" He asked, still sounding nervous as I noticed him lowering his head in my peripheral vision.

"No..." I replied softly. "He was worse..."

    He looked back at me noticing a small, sad smile forming on my face as I thought back to every birthday, holiday, and family vacation he—along with his wife and daughter—had neglected my existence during.

It hurt more than I had led on.

    It's like, I'm not good enough for their affection. It felt like I wasn't even human in their eyes. Even now, I still feel like I'm invisible to them. That I'm not good enough to breathe the same air as them.

My past will always follow me. Even if they all die, it'll still stick with me.

"Although he hadn't physically abused me, he left mental scars..." I explained, losing volume in my voice. "I don't think I'll ever truly be free from the pain I felt for almost my entire life. It'll always follow me around, like a ghost. Bruises and breaks may heal overtime, but words and the feeling of being ignored like some eye-sore or broken, old toy never heals." I spoke, raising my voice as I clenched my fists.

    Kota watched my features carefully, scanning and taking note of every movement I made.

"The future heroes are no better. All they care about is money and fame. My sister and past tormenters are in U.A's Class 1-A, y'know..." His eyes widened as I mentioned that detail. "Yeah, they're trying to become heroes. The people that abused and bullied me from the age of four have ambitions of becoming heroes..."

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