Chapter 33 : Whatever It Takes...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    We were circling the halls for what seemed like an eternity. Round and round, through shortcuts and rooms, until we finally made it to our destination. The room was a washed-out-purple tint, and the floor consisted of mixed green tiles. There were also windows, but they served virtually no purpose, considering we were underground.

    The room was full of villains. I'd say there were around eleven villains, minimum.

"My name's Toga, and I was told to come here. Hiya."

"Long time no see, bird-man. Be warned, I'll never forgive you. So happy to be on the team!"

    I looked to my right and saw Twice waving his fist around as he spoke. To my left was Toga. She seemed unbothered, but I could tell she didn't want to be here. All eyes turned to me after they both finished saying their names. Sighing, I rolled my eyes and began to speak.

"The name's Agony"

    They should already know who I am, I've been the top story on every channel for weeks.


"The League Of Villains! Cool, let's brawl!" A large, muscular man spoke with excitement.

    The man wore a white T-shirt and black, baggy pants—kept up with a brown belt. Dropping down to his black combat-boots, a light blue tunic was attached to his belt. Regarding support-gear, he was wearing a plague mask—similar to the one the 'bird-man' we had met about a week ago. As well as the mask, he had gloves on. The gloves were leather covered in metal over his knuckles and some parts of his wrists. His hair wasn't too interesting either. Long, brown hair that reached just below his shoulders.

"I'll kill you." Twice spoke.

"Yeah, no thanks." Toga replied shortly after.

"What about you, Agony? You killed All Might, right? You wanna take a crack at me? You could serve to be a worthy adversary." He spoke again, taking my silence as a 'maybe'.

"I see no benefit."

"Sorry about the whole Magna thing. It's unfortunate, I didn't want to kill him..." Overhaul explained.

"Her. I believe you mean her." I stole Twice's words before he could even open his mouth.

"Don't make that mistake again." Toga added, angerly.

"Anyway, this is no time to be holding grudges against each other. We're on the same team now. I want your help with my plan."

"Bastard, you tried to play it cool the first time we met, too, like you don't care about anything." Twice spoke angerly. "So, what are my orders?"

His bipolarity was mildly difficult to follow.

"Just follow my instructions like everyone else in the organization, but first thing's first. I want details of your quirks. It'll be easier to work together if I fully understand what you can do."

"I think I'll tell you about my powers when you need to know about them. Oh and just so we're clear, I still don't like you people."

    Fuck, Toga. I need to get close to these sickos so I can find out more about the screams I heard. You're sabotaging me...

    I had made a mental map in my mind—trying to understand where everything was—and I took note of where the screams seemed to be the loudest. The child's voice echoed throughout the whole of the Shie Hassaikai base, but in certain parts, it was clearer and more vibrant. The screams seemed to get louder the further away from the entrance we got. So in other words, the deeper we went in, the worse it got.

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