Chapter 10 : The Disease...

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Toshinori Yagi's P.O.V

    I just stood there, staring at my daughter. It wasn't an exact answer, but it said all it needed to.

    She admitted to having some role in my son's death.

    Sitting down with my wife on the couch in front of Izumi, I felt a whirlwind of emotions come up. I mean, what were we supposed to do with this information? How were we supposed to react? And what were we supposed to ask to get more context? The only questions that popped up were, "What did you do?", and "Why?", but honestly, I don't know if I was even ready to hear either answer.

    Glancing over at Izumi, I noticed her shifting her weight between her feet. She must have been just as uncomfortable as we were, but as terrified as I was to hear what she had to say, I needed to know.

    "What did you do?" I asked once more, quietly, but sharply.

    Looking down shamefully, Izumi kept quiet, but after a few moments, she began to speak again.

    "I just wanted him to stop talking about UA." She began. "He's quirkless for crying out loud! And villains don't play fair. They're brutal, merciless, and soulless! Trying to become a hero would have done more harm than good because there is nothing he would be able to do against power-hungry villains. He would have only gotten himself killed during his first fight. I mean, look at you guys! Dad, your injury is a great example! You're All Might, the strongest hero ever! Number one. And yet, up against a villain, you still lost half of your respiratory system in a fight. Then, mom, you're Number seven in the whole world, and I'm betting those six weeks you spent bedridden with the "flu" long after flu season was a cover-up for a battle gone wrong, right?" She questioned, evoking a sigh from Inko.

    "It was a fight between me and Red Granite. I punctured a lung when he shot a spike through my chest." She explained.

    "My point exactly. Even strong, world-renowned heroes like you with powerful quirks and extensive training can have some trouble against strong villains. Now imagine if quirkless Izuku were to put himself out there and challenge a villain. What do you think would happen? I doubt a villain would take pity on him for not having a quirk. He'd be killed within seconds." She paused. "All I meant to do was show him that. I never meant for things to get so out of hand."

    "Show him? What do you mean by that?" I questioned her cautiously.

    She instantly clammed up, but I think her silence was explanation enough. The image of Izuku on the last day we saw him came to mind, and the questions I was planning to ask him when he got home suddenly reappeared.

    Where did he get those bruises?

    It all started to click.

    Izumi was trying to show him that without a quirk, he would have stood no chance.

    She must have given him those bruises.

    I felt sick to my stomach. After a long pause, I began to speak again.

     "How could you?" I asked softly. "The bruises, that was you, right?" Looking away, she nodded cautiously.

    "Kacchan was the one who told him to jump." She began again after a few moments. "We didn't think he'd actually do it..." She said wearily as Inko gasped.

    "My baby boy." She sobbed as tears welled in her eyes. I took her in my arms and tried to collect myself.

     "It doesn't matter what you thought," I said, starting to raise my voice a notch. "You hurt him." I continued. "And now he's dead."

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