Chapter 32 : Where Ever They May Be...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

"The newly-revealed villain—responsible for the death of All Might just three weeks ago—has been confirmed to be All Might's son. After an exclusive interview with the late-hero's daughter and wife, Yagi Izumi, and the number seven hero, Attraction, it was confirmed that the villain that brutally murdered the Symbol Of Peace, was none other than All Might's late-son, Yagi Izuku."

The news has been raving about me for days. Every channel I flip to, my name is blaring across the screen. I don't hate it, but I certainly don't like it. Why are they saying 'late-son', I'm obviously still alive?

"Thought to have committed suicide back in mid-April of 2214, he has recently been proven alive, and to be residing under a new name. Agony. Many of his old friends and relatives have been wondering after seeing his face on T.V—'who did we burry?'."

I almost choked on my tea as I heard the reporter asking that question. I heard it was some hero course student from Shiketsu named Shindo, or something like that. I tried flipping the channel to something else, but everything was more or less the same. Whether it was News Reporters trying to correctly dub me with a villain name—despite already knowing my villain name—or it was News Anchors doing segments on me—trying to understand my life and motives. I'm the only thing airing.

There was even a fifteen-minute time slot designated to figuring out my whole life story on channel sixty every day.

'Agony before agony' I think it's called.

I honestly thought I'd be happier—being the infamous murderer that killed the number one hero, but honestly, the rush faded after the first day of having my name and face on virtually every station. Now it's just boring.

They're really milking this, aren't they?

Although, due to all this publicity, the support for the heroes has decreased dramatically. Three out of every ten people, so far, are bashing on heroes. They don't trust the heroes anymore. They don't believe in the heroes anymore. You can't really blame them, though.

Throughout this past school year, U.A has been attacked by villains twice, three students have been murdered, one student has committed suicide, a student has been kidnapped, All Might has been killed and exposed for child abuse, and Stain's ideology has become a recurring topic that is becoming more and more real, day-by-day.

Society is slipping, and the people are losing their faith and trust in the heroes.

My lips curled into a disturbing crescent as I released a sickening laugh at the thought. Imagine, a world where heroes are no more than a legend. Where the faith in heroes is so little, that heroes cease to exist.

I stood up from my bed abruptly, losing the grimace, previously present on my post-patricide face, and walked out of my room. It's been about three weeks since my run-in with Izumi and dad. Todoroki and Kaminari have told me that their class has been hectic recently, as well.

After learning of my existence and confronting my past tormenters, Class 1-A has been avoiding all unnecessary contact with the three. Physical and vocal alike.

I'm glad to know not everyone in this society is completely out of their mind.

Todoroki was supposed to be released from school around now, and I do need information at the moment, so I have been meeting him every day after school for a quick briefing about the current activities, any social changes, and opportunities to strike. I still have a personal vendetta against a lot of people, and I'm not planning on sitting on my ass until some chance-ball flies my way.

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