Chapter 8 : Who Was Master?

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Tomura Shigaraki's P.O.V

As the boy's words echoed throughout the bar, I felt annoyed. All Might was never my favourite of the heroes, I've always hated him; however, hearing that he was just as selfish in his personal life as he was as a hero made me sick.

Heroes as a whole made me sick.

They all turned their backs on me years ago, and they did the same for Yagi Izuku – they all deserved to suffer for everything they've done.

While the majority of Yagi's story about his experiences with All Might was new information to me, it wasn't shocking to hear about All Might's quirk, One for All, and its capabilities to be passed from user to user. Master raised me to be his successor, so he taught me of the quirk's existence from a young age – but it was funny to think about the current situation all the same.

Yagi's father was All Might, and now he would be on our side. I could only imagine the face he would make upon hearing of his son's betrayal. It would be incredible, and I was dead set on being there to see it. It was always a fun thing for me to imagine – the looks on the faces of those I despise when they slowly piece together the full picture, I mean. It made my heart yearn for each confrontation – despite my outward appearance of annoyance as these encounters take place. Really, as I glance at the heroes trying so desperately to stop me, I feel a sense of purpose and ecstasy fill me like a drug I just can't get enough of.

Although, it wasn't only All Might's expression that I would be able to watch with glee as it twisted and morphed through phases of confusion and melancholy, as Yagi's mother was Attraction – yet another hero who had deceived and neglected to save the boy. Izuku was the proof of the revelation that heroes were a poison sweeping across our nation – our world; Izuku was living proof that heroes couldn't be trusted with their power and influence; Izuku would be the proof we needed to show the world of the plague they've invited as protectors to save us.

They should have been reprimanded for their despicable behavior; they should have been imprisoned for destroying our buildings, our streets, our futures; they should have been the ones cast out by society – not us.

If even the most famed hero on Earth would go as far to mentally scar and neglect his own son, who's to say others wouldn't follow in his footsteps?

They needed to be stopped; they needed to be put down.

As well as the world's current heroes neglecting a child in desperate need of help, society's future heroes took it one step further. You would think children aspiring to be heroes would have helped him, but rather than helping him, they would harass and bully their peer to the point of taking his own life. This society was sick.

This fourteen-year-old child had been through so much trauma just for wanting to become a hero. His pure intention; his pure heart; his good, genuine ideals, and his motives to save others were twisted and molded into what he was today.

Another outcast: another monster – like me.

All by society; all by the heroes; all because he was different. The real villains were those who watched idly. The real villains were those who tortured and tormented a child because he was weak. The real villain was society, and I would do everything in my power to cleanse this godforsaken world. I, along side the League of Villains, would do everything in my power, to rid this world of the corrupt. I would do everything in my power to free those brainwashed by society.

I would do everything in my power to free humanity from those whom they call heroes, and then I would rule them.


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