Chapter 46 : Meeting At The Harbor...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    I stood up from my seat in the common area and went to find Tomura thinking of the situation I was currently presented with.

Nine is on Nabu island.

Kaminari is on Nabu island.

    It were almost as if fate was on my side. After all the years of bad luck. All the years of being beaten down—to the point of feeling like I was nothing. All the years of being seen like I was nothing. It's all turning around. Fate is finally shinning a light at my future.

    With Kaminari on Nabu Island—along with Nine—and there being no pro heroes around to save the day, this is my moment. My opportunity. My chance to get rid of Tomura. This will bring me one step closer to my ascension. This will bring me one step closer to achieving my goals.

    I arrived at his door and began to knock. He lazily groaned out a faint 'come in', and so I opened the door. His room was shrouded in darkness—only illuminated with the soft light of his computer screen. He looked back at me from his game and I stepped into the room. Shutting the door behind me, I began to speak.

"Tomura..." I started.

    He hummed softly, still playing his game, while also waiting for me to continue.

"I think I found the test subject you guys lost the other day."

    He paused his game and looked back at me in surprise and doubt.

"Oh? And how'd you do that?" He asked in disbelief.

"Kaminari is on Nabu island and he said there was a powerful villain attacking the island." I lied.

    That's the hard truth. Authors and screen writers make the world seem friendly and the inhabitants even more so, but that's just not the case. Humans lie and cheat and steal. Humans manipulate and abuse and murder. People act as if family and friends will always be there, but that's not even close to the truth. It's usually friends and family that will betray you in the end, and it hurts so much more when the truth is revealed.

I don't want to see the look on Tomura's face when he finds out that I'm the one who will stab him in the back in the end.

However, only one of us can survive for my goals to become a reality, and I don't plan on backing down anytime soon.

"You said the test subject had a powerful quirk, right? So it could be him who's causing so much trouble on the island right now." I explained.

    He didn't look convinced, but I couldn't blame him. The evidence I have is the tracking device, but I couldn't exactly tell Tomura that. he'd wonder how I had a tracker on Nine in the first place, considering that he didn't even know what Nine looked like. He'd then connect the dots and understand the bigger picture.

"It's a long shot that it's actually the person we're looking for, but nevertheless this villain you speak of still sounds like a threat to us. Let's go there now." He replied.


    Tomura has been acting more cautious with people that are stronger than him ever since the incident with Overhaul, and because of that close call he doesn't want to have a repeat of the situation.

"Ok, bend down." He commanded me.

"What?" I asked in shock as he tried to mount me.

"I said bend down, Nabu island is like, six hours away by plane, and you can probably get there in an hour if you fly us there."

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