Chapter 29 : Dad!

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Toshinori Yagi's P.O.V


    I stared in disbelief as I watched my dead son become entangled in a tree branch. He glared at me with the most rage-filled eyes I've ever seen as I stood dumbfounded and baffled at him. Shoto was right.

Shoto was telling the truth.

"Hey, dad."

    Grey clouds of mist began appearing and from it, came a creature we had recognized all too well—the Nomu.

"Nomu, how the hell did you get here?!?" Kamui Woods spoke with worry and confusion as he screamed those words.

I thought Kurogiri was restrained?

His warp gate was purple, and this one was a greyish-black...

Does that mean they have another ally with a warp quirk?

    Izuku smirked at me with a glint of insanity and evil shimmering in his eyes before I noticed the grey mist starting to form again. It grew around all of the villains trapped in the branch binds—including my son—and then they disappeared.

"Endeavor! Help us!"

    Looking back towards our other accomplice, I noticed more grey warp gates expelling Nomus on the ground. Screams erupted from citizens in the area and gunshots could be heard from the police officers trying to contain the Nomu.

This is a complete disaster.

"Toshinori, what now?" Gran Torino's voice brought me out of my dazed and confused state as I remembered why we were even here to begin with.

We were here to save my daughter's friend, Shoto.

This must be the work of him.

    Multiple Nomu attacked me as I felt the weight of three monsters on my back. Easily blowing them off of my back with a Detroit Smash, I yelled to Endeavor.

"Endeavor, are you having any trouble?"

"Does it look like I am?!? Just do your job and save my son, dammit!"

Right, this is Endeavor's son we're looking for.

"He could still be in the building! We didn't see him being warped away! Search everything!"

I promise you this, we will find you, Shoto.


Izumi Yagi's P.O.V

"Dammit! Those damned heroes probably destroyed my newly founded head collection!"

    I stood behind a crumbling wall in fear as I heard the voices of more villains.

"Calm down, kid, everything's going to play out just fine... We've still got that brat you wanted."

Are they talking about Shoto?

I can't freak out now.

I have to save Shoto.

    I began to walk forwards—despite my fear, only to feel an arm clasp around mine. I glanced to find the owner of the arm and noticed Kacchan trying to follow me. Iida held his arms, restricting both of our movements and glared at us through his fear.

We were all petrified.

    We had heard what the 'leader' had done to Best Jeanist. We were listening to the sickening sound of a hole being blasted through his stomach. We heard how he spoke.

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