Chapter 36 : This Will Be Interesting...

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Izumi Yagi's P.O.V


    That was the time. The time the rescue mission would officially start. The time we would all risk our live to save one girl. Honestly, I'm sure she'd be able to handle herself. She's just wasting the heroes' time.

"Once they've read the warrant, you're free to move."

    As the captain of the police department rose his finger to the doorbell, the door was smashed open from the inside. In the confusion, a man came, jumping out. He wore a black tank-top, along with jeans. The villain's support gear consisted of a plague-doctor mask, some metal gloves, and metal knuckledusters. The color of his high-tops reminded me of something.


Red high-tops.

Izuku's red high-tops.

    I ground my teeth as his dumb face crawled from the depths of my mind until surfacing at the forefront of my thoughts.

Next time I see him, I'll kill him.

    From the commotion, a few police officers went flying. I jumped back and caught one, while Mr. Aizawa saved the other two with his scarf-capture weapon.

Damn police officers can't even look after themselves, needing heroes to save them...

    I saw the Dragon Hero : Ryukyu activate her quirk, and then blocking an attack the villain was about to land. She told everyone to go, and that the Ryukyu agency would handle the villain, so the rest of us began to run through the gate.

    There were three men waiting for us as we ran, making our way to the door—past the garden. None of them looked out of the ordinary. They all seemed to be dressed for a day-job or something.

"This is the heroes and the police. We have a warrant to search your premises on suspicion of manufacture and sale of illegal drugs."

"They've got a search warrant?" The man in the middle of the three spoke.

    He wore a plain, black dress-shirt with black pants and dress shoes. His hair was a dark brown-ish color and he had a faint mustache.

    The man to his left wore a grey-ish-blue jacket with a red under-shirt. He too wore black pants and dress shoes, just like the middle guy and the guy to their right. His hair was black and his sun-glasses blocked my view of his eyes.

    The guy to the right had a classic, white, dress-shirt and had light-brown hair.

"Who cares."

    The man in the white dress-shirt spoke, as he began to pull the blades of the bush—to his right—and hurtle them towards the ERT of the TMPD—which their shields ultimately blocked. A hero jumped out and onto the man, stopping his attack; meanwhile, the other two men were restrained.

    We continued running towards the door, leaving a portion of our mini army to hold off the villains outside.

"We've got this."

    I looked up to see Mirio looking as determined as ever. He's been seriously beating himself up for not saving the girl the first-time 'round, but I don't know why. It was the girl's fault for leaving instead of staying with us. Whatever happened to her from then-to-now is her own fault.

    What ever she did to acquire all the abuse she's been put through, I'm sure she deserved. This was probably just a parent, taking disciplinary actions against their daughter. Now, she'll have learned her lesson, and she'll never do  it again. This is all highly unnecessary—but they are under suspicion of making and selling drugs, and I guess that is actually a crime.

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