Chapter 20 : I Just Want To Talk...

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Naomasa Tsukauchi's P.O.V

I pulled up behind a bar in Hosu City. The dispatcher had received a tip from a frantic 110 call about a mysterious and disturbing briefcase. It didn't sound too serious, and since I was in the area on an investigation, I was sent to check it out.

I planted my feet on the alcohol-stained concrete. My nose crinkled as I inhaled the vile fumes, polluting the air. I looked around for the briefcase as I thought of how disgusting and beneath me this situation were. To my left, an opened case caught my eyes.

This must be it.

I cautiously walked towards the case, wondering what could be so disturbing. As I slowly made my way towards the partially opened bag, I noticed my eyes straining to make out some of the contents.

I crouched down, and coated my hands with a pair of gloves. This could potentially be a crime scene, so I can't contaminate the evidence. Fully opening the brief case, my nose was enveloped in an even more foul-smelling odor.

Inside the case, were squishy, black garbage bags, ranging in sizes. They all seemed extremely compressed, yet they seemed to fit without expanding from their placements. My hand reached for one of the bags as I opened it.

Oh My God...

Shota Aizawa's P.O.V

I was livid. The sheer anger rising in my soul from the blatant lies that demon child was spitting made my blood boil. I have never in my life seen someone as arrogant as this child. What kind of a person would murder someone, and use that truth as a facet of sympathy.

Yagi Izumi.

That's the kind of person. If her brother truly were listening, I am one hundred percent sure he would be as disgusted as I am. A thought rose in my mind as I observed Yagi's parents during her speech.

Their faces seemed to pale upon the mention of her brother, but overall, they seemed like they were proud of what she had said. Did they not now what she had done?


I jumped to my feet as I heard the prolonged yell of my coworker. His style of elongating vowels was unmistakable. I calmed down as I saw the face of my friend, Hizashi, in my room, and decided to just get back into bed and go to sleep. Then I widened my eyes.

"Wait, how the hell did you get into my house???"

He looked at me with his usual unbothered expression before replying to my question.

"You left your bedroom window unlocked."

"I don't have a bedroom window..."

"You do know!" He answered my statement as I glanced to my wall.

There was a giant hole. In. My. Wall.

"You know, I could press charges for this..." I muttered into my pillow, just above quiet.

I heard a muffled sniffle through the door followed by the sound of my children crying. I immediately rose from the comfort of my fluffy heaven and opened the door, revealing around seven of my children.

They ran into my room and started to circle me as Hizashi watched in shock.

"Wow, what the heck?"

I glared at him as I watched more of my disciples trickle into the room in an unending cycle.

"How can one man own so many cats."

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