Chapter 56 : Let's Do This For Real...

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Mirio Togata's P.O.V

Six days.

Hado had been gone for six days.

    Walking to class with a frown, evident on my face—due to the unexplained absence of my friend—I heard the whispers and chatter of my peers. Although faint and quiet, I could make out snip bits of words every so often.





    I didn't quite understand the words—loosely thrown into conversation as I walked towards my classroom—until my eyes landed upon a familiar figure I had been seeing only in my mindscape. 

    Her blue eyes, shining in the light of the sun—which reflected in her large orbs from the window next to her. Her uniform, hugging her figure elegantly—for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Her periwinkle-hair, bouncing behind her as she bobbed her head and jumped about the classroom. Her smile, beaming across the room and brightening even the darkest of shadows.

Hado was back.

"Hado!" I cried out in joy and relief—jumping at her to wrap her in my arms. 

    We embraced for what seemed like forever as I felt tears pricking my eyes. It had been so long since I had last seen her. Hado and I had been best friends for the longest time. Our inseparableness was long-lived, so being apart, without so much as a call or text explaining the situation, felt like purgatory. 

"Where have you been?" I asked her with tears in my eyes as I felt a wave of relief flood my senses. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Togata! I guess I forgot to tell you." She began with a smile and a slight giggle. "Because of all the stress from what happened, I decided to take a week and stay with my grandparents, and I accidentally left my phone." She explained as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Why didn't you tell the school?" I asked, still partially confused with the situation, but happy nonetheless.

"Haha, I meant to say something, but I got distracted-." She spoke, her voice getting cut off as our teacher had entered the room.

"Ok class, settle down, we have a lot to do today, and not a lot of time to do it..." The voice of our teacher sounded, trailing off as our teacher scanned the room. "Wait, Hado?" 

"Hiya!" She exclaimed with a bright smile, as we were now at our seats. 

"It's good to see you've finally made an appearance... See me after class, as we do have to discuss this matter." 

"Alrighty!" She answered before our lesson began to start.

    I had been so happy and relieved to know that Hado was safe and had been this whole time; however, as our day passed, and I had calmed myself, I began to notice differences in Hado's behaviour. 

    She seemed curious and normal at first glance, but if you had known Hado for as long as I had, it was easy to tell that she was straining herself. She was curious, yet bored. She was interested in learning, yet didn't seem to bat an eye at things she normally would have.

    As we sat at our table in the cafeteria, she seemed perfectly normal to the average-eye, but to me, I could see through her. Something was wrong. Something was off, and I could tell I wasn't the only one to have thought these thoughts. 

    Tamaki seemed to be just as wary around our outgoing and curious friend as the day went on. Knowing her for as long as we had, and being around her daily, we could tell that she was acting off. I couldn't tell how, but I knew that something was definitely different about her.

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