Chapter 54 : Oh My God...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

I entered through the doors of the base with a loud bang—nervous about what was to come. I still wasn't quite sure what All For One was asking me to do. He was asking me to win over his bodyguard, but he didn't specify exactly how to go about doing that.

"Hey, guys! We gotta go!" I called out to my team.

Toga and Twice looked up from the T.V to glance at me as I spoke; meanwhile, the others paid practically no mind to my outburst. Giving me a confused look, Toga began to question me.

"We gotta go? Where?"

"I just spoke to All For One, and he wants us to leave the base." I answered, picking up pillows and throwing them on Dabi—who had been asleep.

"Jesus! Ok, I'm up! What the hell do you want, Yagi?" He yelled at me in anguish—finally acknowledging my presence.

"As I just said we gotta go!" I repeated myself to the irritable man in front of me.

Pulling him to his feet, Dabi wabbled past me and grabbed his coat from the coffee table. As we were about to exit the room, I remembered something I had kept to the back of my mind up until now: The girl.

I had almost forgotten about her. I couldn't leave her here—since no one would be around to make sure she stayed out of trouble—but I also couldn't take her with me. The only realistic options would be to either recruit her now, or kill her if she resists. Sighing, I turned to the other members of the League, who were growing impatient as I delayed, and told them I'd be right back.

All I could hear as I dashed down the corridors of the base were the aggravated groans of my friends. My room was on the third floor, and the common area was on the first floor, so to save time, I ran to the place on the first floor, parallel to my room, and activated Ghost before floating through the ceilings and entering my room.

The periwinkle-haired girl sat, calmly, in a pile of bodily-fluids on my floor with a grin. She looked completely out of her mind as her hands felt for the pieces of flesh beneath her, and I knew that my plan would work.

I walked over to her and reached out my hand—for her to grasp—before speaking.

"So, are you ready to join?" I asked her with a voice of certainty and confidence that she would say yes.

She grabbed my hand and hoisted herself up before looking up at me. I knew what she would say as soon as I saw the expression she wore on her face. Her blue eyes were widened to a point where I was astonished that they weren't bulging out of their sockets. Her eyebrows were lifted higher than I had even though possible—creating wrinkles in her forehead; meanwhile, her smile was the most noticeable of her features.

Her grin was wide and twisted, and you could tell her smile wasn't genuine at all from a quick first glance. It was a grin as wide as that of the Cheshire Cat. It was an eerie smile, that could make a pro quake in their boots. It was a horrifying smile, that looked as if it were being held up by staples or string. It was an unnatural smile, that belonged to a person far beyond saving. A person that had completely lost everything that held meaning—in their eyes. A person that had nothing left to lose.

I felt a grin pricking at my face, similar to hers, as I heard the words she uttered past her clenched teeth.

"I want to fix society, and I want to help you. I want to fix society, and I want to help you. I want to fix society and I want to help you." She repeated over, and, over, and over again, taking chunks of her hair in her hands as she continued to stare at me.

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