Chapter 9 : You Can't Be Heroes.

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    As the piercing sounds of my gun rang throughout my ears, I strained myself in fighting to cover them – knowing that Shigaraki would reprimand me if I failed in doing so. While, when Shigaraki began training me in using guns, he had instructed me to wear specially made, sound-canceling headphones to protect my ears, recently, we realized I wouldn't be wearing them outside of training – practically speaking. So, he decided that it would be better to train my ears in handling the sound of a speeding bullet as it is being shot out of a metal barrel. However, as a result, we've been hitting a lot of speedbumps during my training – my ears being sensitive – though, over the last month, my accuracy, consistency, and precision have improved substantially.

    Shigaraki also thought that it would be an, as he put it, 'educational experience' if I were to learn how guns functioned as well. So, to learn the ins and outs of their mechanisms, he wanted me to learn how to disassemble and reassemble a gun. I wasn't good at reassembling them, but I could pull a gun apart within thirty-eight seconds.

    It's called field striping.

    Aside from my training advancements, an interesting event coming up is the day of the famous U.A. Entrance Exam – which is on February 26th this year, or in other words, tomorrow. I had been hoping to sit in on the exam – partly to silence my curiosity regarding what could have been, but also to spy on the future students – and luckily for me, Shigaraki rescheduled my training and lessons for the day after as he needed to meet someone. So, with excitement coursing through my veins, I fired my weapon one final time and struck the target in the chest before packing up and bolting to the bar for dinner.

    The mental strain of Shigaraki's training was intense, so it was natural that I would be starving like an alley cat come dinner-time.

    Sitting myself down quickly on a stool, I started to scarf down Kurogiri's Homemade Sashumi. His cooking was so amazing I had almost forgot to take in the strange neatness of the bar. So, after consuming a decent amount of food to satisfy my starvation, I looked at the placement and noticed an extra plate full of food.

    "Kurogiri, why is there an extra place set on the table? Is someone joining us this evening?" I questioned him rudely with food in my mouth.

    "Yes, we have arranged for one of our new recruits to meet us for more details about their assignment. They will be posing as a student at U.A High this next term." He answered with a slight glare, handing me a handkerchief to clean the stray pieces of raw fish that flew out of my mouth as I spoke.

    Ignoring his obvious physical annoyance, I focussed purely on his words rather than his actions.

    A new recruit would be posing as a U.A. student?

    With a member of the league posing as a U.A. student, we would be able to gather information regarding the heroes' quirks, weaknesses, strengths,  schedules, and virtually any other important pieces of information we would need to kill them from the inside. It was brilliant.

    "That's exactly what I was thinking." Shigaraki's voice rang out from my side.

    I peered over my shoulder and sure enough, there he was.

    "Sorry, was I muttering?" I asked, flustered as a light blush crept onto my cheeks.

    "Yes. Yes, you were." Kurogiri answered back.

    Shigaraki chuckled slightly before coming to sit down, and all was peaceful for the next few moments. Until, that is, I heard the doors burst open and saw a kid, who looked to be about my age, thunder in.

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