Chapter 27 : I Am A Hero...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V


After the explosion there was nothing. The loudness of the blast, followed by the quietness of the shock. The wind being the only source of noise as we stared at each other.

I was just as shocked as Muscular was.

I'm a villain whom had just put their life on the line to save the son of a pro. Well, I didn't really put my life on the line, I could have just turned on one of my quirks: Ghost, and let Muscular pass straight through me and kill the kid. Of course, I didn't.

I don't know why I stepped in to save this kid.

Maybe it was the expression on his face, as he gazed upon the man whom would murder him. Maybe it was an old habit of rushing in to protect others. Maybe it was another ulterior motive that I am yet to realize myself.  

Muscular stared at me in shock as I glared at him coldly. The explosion he had made solely from punching the ground would have surely killed the child currently shaking in my arms.

This lunatic was planning on killing this five year old.

"Yagi? What the hell was that about?"

Muscular's voice broke the eerie silence we had been subjected to as I continued to stare at him in disgust.

"Me? What the hell were you about to do? This is obviously a child! He's shaking!"

He watched my figure as if I were crazy, which to be fair, I am. As I held the child in my arms, he shook and quivered.

"You said to kill the ones we don't need!"

"I meant those hero course brats, not the innocent bystanders!"

As we bantered back and forth, the child opened his eyes. I felt his eyes roam my figure as they took in every detail. I had decided not to wear my mask, because I had no intentions of being spotted, nor was I planning on stepping in at any point.

That went as planned.

"Well, who cares? I don't have to listen to a damn thing you say."

He spoke with pride, as if he thought I would be powerless against him. I released the child from my grasp and began to walk towards Muscular.

"I think this child could be of use to our cause in the future."

My voice came out soft, yet stern as I quietly whispered those words to my comrade—making sure the child couldn't hear my thoughts.

The thing about Dabi, Toga and the rest is that they all know me. Muscular was our newest recruit, so he didn't exactly know what I was capable of, nor did he care. He didn't care to learn my strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and most importantly he never learned to fear me.

Dabi and Toga know what I'm capable of, so they listen to my word as if it were law. Muscular on the other hand, never cared to understand that I am more than what meets the eye.

My form is built and tall; however, compared to Muscular, I was a toothpick. I'm assuming because of my brains and skills in analysis, he thought my quirk would have some sort of link to that, so he didn't think I could do anything if he defied me.

Big mistake.

The first thing you should do when facing a superior opponent, is learn their weaknesses.

"Well, I disagree!"

He raised his fist, preparing to hit me with a maxed out punch. Probably in hopes of killing me. I watched with boredom as his fist was about to come into contact with my chest.

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