Chapter 55 : Huh...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

Oh my God...

    I stood in complete shock—alongside Toga—staring up at the giant man in front of us as he ran at the two of us and destroyed everything in his path. Leaving destruction in his wake, he retracted his fist and brought it raining down where Toga and I had been standing—before we moved out of the way, of course.

"Ahh! Dabi, Spinner, Twice, Mr. Compress!" I cried out, jumping out of the way of his giant fist. "We could use a little help out here!"

    Activating Ghost, to catch my breath, I allowed the man's attack to pass through me, before activating my Energy Whips and preparing to act on the offensive. Seeing the ground where Toga and I had been standing destroyed, I sprung into action.

    Dabi was the first to exit the tent, after hearing the commotion, and began to activate his flames as my whip rained down onto the man's shoulder. Over the time that I've possessed my quirks, I've been steadily improving them. From reaching heats of up to one-thousand-sixty-four degrees celsius back in the summer, my whips can now reach heats of up to one-thousand-six-hundred and seventy degrees Celsius.

That's a six-hundred and six-degree difference.

    That level of heat should have been more than enough to melt this man to a liquid state, yet it didn't. Of course, as soon as he yielded, I would have retracted my whip and taken him to All For One's Doctor once my whip had penetrated his skin; however, that time never came.

    My feet collided with the man's chest, and I used him as a platform to propel myself into the air—removing my whip from his skin—but as I flew back, I saw that his flesh was completely intact. The only evidence that my whip had even struck him was a faint slash mark, barely visible. It looked like a normal whip mark from a really light slashing. It was almost as if my whip was just some normal whip against him.

That was the gap in raw-strength that the man and I held.

    As I was now out of the way, I noticed Dabi's blue flames emerging from my right. His face held a smug look as if he thought his flames would do anything to the man in front of us. His flames were much cooler than my whips were, so if my whips did nothing, there was virtually no hope for Dabi's flames.

    As Dabi realized that his flames held no effect on the giant man in front of us, his expression dropped and he began bolting for a place further away from the tent—most likely understanding that he wouldn't be able to ward off any attacks headed towards him, which would cause injuries to the people still inside the tent.

"Why are you so weak?!" The man cried out as I continued my futile attempts at attacking him. "I want to accept him, but All For One, I... I just can't!"

    Raining down attacks on us and the ground, I began to hear a voice. It sounded vaguely familiar, but the pieces finally came together as I could make out the words being uttered.

"Gi... Ku..." The voice started, sounding broken and cut off. "You seem to be at a loss... Yagi Izuku..."

"Doctor..." The words flowed past my lips in both a shocked and certain tone.

"Did you say Doctor?" Spinner thought aloud, as we all stood staring at the large, naked man in front of us—gripping his head and yelling in frustration.

"I take it you headed to All For One's instructions and brought your League around for the ride. How've you all been doing?" The voice spoke.

"Fine. Thanks... But we're about to be mincemeat..." I responded, glancing around the battlefield in an attempt to understand where the voice had been coming from.

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