Special -- Thanks!

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Author's Note

    Hi! It's lovely to see you again! Several months ago, there was a comment that ended up blowing up my phone for quite a few months which consisted solely of people spamming the hashtag, #DEATHTOALL, and #1000herewego; however, after reaching the primary goal of a thousand replies, the original comment was deleted. Regardless of the current state of the thread, before it was deleted, I agreed to do a special chapter regarding that particular comment-thread-occult. So, here it is.

    This has no impact on the story, but I hope it's still fun to read. This chapter takes place towards the ending of chapter 8 – if you would like more insight, I've recently rewritten that chapter, so feel free to check it out beforehand. You'll most likely be able to understand where it takes place.

    Another thing to keep in mind, starting the song above when you first start reading will add to the atmosphere. The only song that really matters in the playlist is "Lucifer's Waltz", but another song (not in the mix) that would sound interesting while reading this is titled "Lucifer's hymn".

    Thanks in advance for reading, and I hope you like this Special!


Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    I felt my eyes flutter open to the sound of voices murmuring all around me. The voices traveled throughout the ash-scented air, echoing from wall to wall – rebounding and relapsing over and over until all I could hear were the voices as they increased and more people joined in; although, this only made it harder for my tired ears to understand what they were saying. I strained myself, listening and looking for a sign of life around me, but to no avail, all I could see was the darkness. It consumed me.

"Hello?" I called out as I tried to stand, but felt my movements restricted.

    I turned my head to the right, looking towards my wrist, and then I looked towards my left wrist – seeing leather straps binding my body to the cold and dark floor like I were some sort of live offering on an altar.

"What the hell is going on?" I spoke out in a panicked voice as I tried to think of what Shigaraki would do in this situation. "Who are you?" I once again questioned the murmuring, choir-like voices as they chanted their hymns.

    Trying to level my mind, I breathed in and out before looking over my situation again. I was tied to the floor, I had no weapons, nor did I have a quirk, and I had no idea where I was. The only hints of my location were the frosty atmosphere and the faint pillars I could make out in the darkness that surrounded me. Still, no matter how I looked at it, there was no escape. All I could do was wait to see what would happen.

    The voices persisted loudly, until one by one, they all stopped – only leaving a whisper of echoes in their wake as I strained to catch their words; although, the quiet whisps were still too raspy to make out. With the absence of the voices, my form was blanketed in the black abyss-like room – which honestly felt more terrifying than when the voices masked the fear of what was to come.

"Death to all!" The voices chanted as figures slowly emerged from my sides – startling me from their abruptness.

    I felt myself release a short-lasted scream, as figures draped in blood-red cloaks holding lit candles appeared from every direction, continuously chanting the same phrase in monotoned voices: Death to all.

    I watched with a sinking feeling in my stomach as the figures placed their candles across the floor in strange and coordinated positions; meanwhile, another figure emerged from the dimly lit corridor to my right, chanting in a deeper voice, though keeping the same rhythm.

The leader.

    The figure stood before me, holding a dagger in the palm of their hand, along with a jar of black dust – most likely ash. As they threw the ash around my body in almost random motions, they knelt before me, bringing the dagger to my chest.

"Who are you?" I spoke with a fearful glint in my eye as I watched the dagger approach my flesh.

"Death to all." The voice chanted once more, dragging the dagger along my chest in awkward motions.

    I felt the stinging pain of my flesh as it was torn and sliced along my chest with the warm dagger, and I felt the cold and itching feeling of my blood as it pooled from my body – like a thousand insects escaping from my veins and organs, swarming up and down my form; however, I couldn't speak, nor could I scream.

    As the figure finished, two more beings cloaked in red approached us from behind the chanters with trays in hand. Like the first figure's manner, they stalked towards me with strange, elongated movements; although, this time, I could see the stretched and unnatural grins that coated their faces. They knelt beside my body, collecting my blood as it pooled from my form like water from a faucet; meanwhile, the chanting only increased in volume. The beings took my blood in their hands and smeared it across the ground – coating it in the crimson liquid wreaking of metal until all I could see was the blood, smeared in circles encapsulating stars around us with candles at their every edge.

"Death to all." They spoke out again. "Death to all."

"Death to all." I felt my voice mimicking, though I was sure I wasn't the one speaking.

"Death to all."

"Death to all." I copied it again with a lump forming at the base of my throat.

    As the chanting continued as if it were a broken record, escalating in volume and pitch, I could feel myself growing weaker and weaker. My eyes fluttered, but I fought to stay awake with every ounce of strength I had left in me.

"Death to all." The voices spoke again, beginning to shout, as they spoke faster.

"Death to all."

"Death to all."

"Death to all!"


    I felt my body shoot upright as a figure spoke before me, and I was met with the wallpaper in Shigaraki's room. Standing to my feet, I looked for him; although, as I saw he wasn't there, I decided to walk towards his en-suite.

    My feet dragged over his comforter – feeling weighed by chains – as I stalked with a pain in my chest towards his bathroom. I stopped in front of the mirror, and gently pulled the buttons of my shirt open to glance at what I hoped was only my chest, but as I looked, I felt my voice shriek in horror.

Death to all.


Author's Note

    Thanks for reading, and I hope this was interesting! I would also like to thank you so much for five-hundred and twenty-three thousand, two-hundred and thirty-four reads! It really means the world to me! Thanks again, and I hope to see you in future stories!


Ps. Here's the link to my discord server if you'd like to join: https://discord.gg/HH7Kunfn

We mostly talk, but we try to have Game Nights every so often.



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