Chapter 41 : When Do We Leave..?

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Izuku Yagi' P.O.V

The periwinkle-haired girl stood up abruptly and began to assume a fighting position before screaming out in both fear and anger.

"It's you!"

I smiled sickly as she started firing her at me. I activated Ghost and allowed the spiral beams to pass through me. Standing up, I began slowly stalking over to her as she attacked me continuously.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing crying alone out here?" I asked her as I circled her like a vulture—circling its prey.

"Shut up!" She screamed out in rage, whilst again, firing her beams out at random.

She was blasting surrounding trees, garbage cans, and buildings, while I remained untouched.

Not really the mark of a hero, destroying a small ghost town—despite knowing that she can't hit me.

It's not rational.

"Could it have been the death of your friend?" I asked getting closer to her, inch by inch.

    She ground her teeth as I simply smiled a sinister grin.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" She replied—glaring at me—as she changed from using her quirk to punching and kicking. "You coward! Relying on your quirk as if you can't fight without it!" She exclaimed.

I took her words with a grain of salt since she had obviously been in distress; although, she was beginning to tick me off.

"Or was it the recent death of your parents?" I questioned her—keeping the smile on my face as I watched hers drop.

"How... How did you?-" She began as I cut her off.

"I do watch the news, y'know..." I retorted dryly.

It was as if something in her snapped as I spoke because her facial expression shifted quickly from confused and anxious to angry and spiteful.

"Don't ever mention my parents ever again, you monster!" She yelled in vexation. "They're good memory doesn't deserve to be tainted by leaving your filthy mouth!"

As she lunged at me, I deactivated Ghost and caught her fists before they landed. I threw her figure to the ground and began walking closer to her. The look on her face was a mixture of hatred and defeat.

    Although knowing she was outmatched, she still tried to lift herself off the ground.

That's one thing I've always admired about heroes.

Or at least, some heroes.

Not all would continue to fight when they understand they'd already been beaten.

I placed my foot on her back—keeping her down—as I stared down at her with malice and sinister intent. Her eyes shown with fear in the light of the sun as she trembled under my touch.

"You done?" I asked—raising an eyebrow as I smirked down at her.

Tears filled the brims of her eyes as she tiredly nodded, looking down. I removed my foot from her back and put out a hand—gesturing for her to take it. She headed to my gesture and grasped my hand, and used it to lift herself off the ground.

"Ok, now what should I do with you?" She kept her gaze fixed on the floor as my figure towered over her. "I can't very well leave you, a hero, to run back to whatever agency you're interning with—considering that you've stumbled upon the League's base..." I continued sternly, finally losing my smile.

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