XVII - Vengence

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The drive is shorter than Russia would've wanted. Russia's heart races as they approach a large crater in the ground. He pulls over and gets out carefully, dawning his newly-acquired winter coat to protect against the dropping temperatures of the outside.

It's early in the morning with the sun having just barely risen. The pit has been haphazardly filled with dirt and ice.

'If I didn't know what it was, it would've just looked like a strange pit.'

Russia takes a deep breath and roots through the bed of the truck for his weapon, a large flashlight.

It's pretty heavy, and with the batteries, he could also use it for light, if he needed it. It's much more heavy-duty than the ones they had used for the caves, Russia made sure of it. He also pockets a spring action pocket knife he had gotten from a sketchy vendor outside the store.

He walks around the truck.

'Something doesn't feel right.'

Russia shakes off the thought, approaching the muddy, icy pit.

"We'll hold back for now," Texas announces, "Dad, you got the walkie?"


"Alright. Let us know if y'all need help. We'll be out of sight."

"To surprise 'em," New Mexico adds with a grin.

America smiles and waves them off. As soon as they leave, America's face falls.

"Is everything okay?" Russia asks, reaching out a hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine," America replies, drawing away from him. Russia drops his hand and nods.

"How are we gonna get down there?" Kentucky mutters.

"Are you kidding? Move outa my way, Keny-boy," Arizona says with a smile.

Arizona puts her hands forward and focuses on something. Flames flare out from her hands and begin to lick up at the pit, and the ice begins to melt. As soon as the ground is soft, California begins to dig to make a ramp to walk down.

California treks down, the shovel over her shoulder, and slides to a stop at the bottom. At the bottom, many of the broken tiles left behind from their last visit are a little dirty, but still visible.

'Only one side was filled in,' Russia notes.

There is still access to some of the rest of the building, including the offices connected to the room they stood in.

"They really didn't do a good job trying to hide this, huh?" California comments.

Russia watches Kentucky and America as they slide down the side of the muddy wall. Russia follows shortly behind. Something in the air feels electric, but America doesn't comment, so Russia tries his best to ignore it for now.

'Something is off.'

Shortly after entering, Russia notices that America begins to act strangely. He looks bothered, but Russia can't place why. He begins looking around until he hears America whimper.

'Something is definitely wrong. But what?'


America's eyes swivel around, staring at Russia with horror in his eyes. Russia's heart sinks. Russia steps back and holds his arms out behind him, herding the states back.

"Russ?" Kentucky says.

"Something's wrong," Russia says.

"What do you mean?" California asks.

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