XXXII - Packing Up

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Russia sits up at the noise with his eyes wide. The sky rumbles and the rain sounds a lot louder now. Russia stares around in the pitch black and hears someone whining softly across the room.

Another flash illuminates the room through the cracks in the curtain and he sees one of the kids sitting on one of the mats, curled up in a blanket.

"Who's there?" Russia asks quietly. The sky roars outside, loud enough to shake the walls.

"Is everything alright?" Russia asks.

A small whine replies. and then there is quiet except for the storm outside. Russia keeps his eyes trained on the figure, trying to figure out who it was in the middle of the room, and he feels his heart pounding in his chest.

'Is that one of the states?'

Then a quiet voice rings out.

"Can I sit with you guys?" Michigan asks quietly.

Russia's breath returns to him.

'It is one of the states.'

"Yes," Russia replies. Quiet shuffling slowly approaches and he hears someone sit down next to him in the blankets.

"Sorry," Michigan says quietly, "I just don't get much stuff like this. Thunderstorms, sure. But the severe ones with this kind of wind are something else...I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay," Russia says softly, and his eyes begin to droop.


'That doesn't sound like thunder.'

Russia tries to look in the direction of it, but can't see anything. Then he hears a small crack and his head whips around to see Michigan's face illuminated by a toxic green. A blur of color waves in front of him.

"What is that?"

"A glowstick," Michigan whispers, slowing his hand down enough for Russia to see it clearly.


The door rattles violently against what sounds like metal and wood.

Russia gets ready to stand up but Michigan grabs his arm and pulls him back down.

"Don't. Dixie and Fin already barricaded the doors," Michigan whispers, "they said that we shouldn't investigate if anything happens."

Russia nods and sits back down. America sleepily snuggles back into him, mumbling under his breath. Russia gasps a little in surprise and Michigan laughs quietly into his hands. America loops Michigan into the embrace and effortlessly pulls the kid in between them. Michigan squirms a little and sighs.

America leans his head against Russia's chest and Michigan just kinda shifts to stay comfortable.

"Has he done this before?" Russia asks curiously.

"Yeah," Michigan admits quietly, looking away, "'s kinda why I wanted to sit with you guys."

Russia nods along, trying to ignore the booming thunder and intermittent flashes from outside.

"Dad hugs you if you're near him while he's sleeping," Michigan mutters as if trying to distract himself from the pounding outside, "and he doesn't wake up as long as you're not loud, so a lot of us... it's just easier than asking, you know? He doesn't mind most of the time, we just can't go inside if the door's locked."

'We don't have doors now anyway.'

"Are you okay?" Russia asks quietly.

"...I'm just-"

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