XXIII - Short and Sweet

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Just a quick picture of Arizona because why not.

Russia lays back quietly for a moment, trying to keep his chattering to a minimum when something soft hits his face. He blinks slowly.

"Ari?" America asks.

"What? I love it, but right now, I think he needs it more than I do," Arizona says dismissively.

America lifts it up off Russia's face, and Russia sees a scarf with one end decorated with an orange star and yellow and red stripes, and the rest of the scarf. is a dark blue. America gently wraps it around Russia's neck, and the texture is soft.

Russia looks up at Arizona poking her head around the seat.

"What? Dad cares about you and you saved Cali," Arizona says with a shrug, "can't escape us now."

Russia laughs quietly.

"How're you feelin' back there?" Kentucky asks.

"Better," Russia answers honestly, "less cold."

"I'm just happy that we could get you out," Arizona says.

"Yeah. Thanks," California says quietly.

"Are you okay?" Russia asks, sitting up a little.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," California says, "thanks by the way. You didn't have to do that."

"I will not let you get hurt," Russia promises.

California gasps and spins around, looking around the seat, almost pressed against the door. Arizona leans over the armrest from the same seat.

'That's where they went.'

"Why?" California asks, surprised.

"I am here, I protect you," Russia says, staring up and making eye contact with the states in the car with them.

America mumbles something and Russia looks up. America stares at him with wonder and adoration. Russia freezes, and his breath leaves him. America stares for a few moments and then looks away with a red face.

Russia beams in response, and America laughs quietly. America leans over and tenderly kisses him. Russia's heart swells and he smiles against America's lips. America pulls away and sighs.

"Sometimes I think I'm dreaming," America mutters.

"With the monsters?" Russia asks.

America pauses and then laughs breathlessly.

"No, silly. You're just too good to be true," America says through giggles.

Russia's face goes bright red and he tries to stammer out a response. America laughs.

"Never thought I'd get you like this with some cheesy- a** pick-up line," America says lightly, "now come here."

America begins tugging the blankets lose, and Russia almost fights against him until he feels warm hands begin tracing his back. America pulls Russia onto his chest and tangles their legs together. Russia melts against him.

"You are... so warm," Russia mumbles into America's shirt.

America's chest shakes as he laughs. Russia buries his face into America's chest and breaths in.

"Love you too," America jokes.

Russia's thoughts stop in their tracks, and his heart feels like it's so full that it feels like it might explode. He feels America tense under him.

'Love me? He loves me?'

"Sorry, that was... uncalled for," America mumbles, pulling away.

'Why is he so nervous?'

"I love you," Russia admits, and his heart pounds in his chest. America sighs in relief and snuggles into Russia's shoulder, pulling Russia up and hugging him like a stuffed animal.

"I thought you were going to freak out," America mutters, "I've been saying it to myself since I talked to you in the hospital."

"You are not the only one," Russia admits quietly.

America giggles happily into Russia's shoulder.

"This doesn't feel real," America says, his tone ecstatic.

Giddy feelings fill Russia's head as he smiles up at America.

"Y'all got to keep it down," Kentucky says, "it's getting hard to focus, and it's already f*ckin' impossible to see Hamp's car."

Russia nods, and America nuzzles the top of his head.

'Nice. This is nice,' Russia thinks, and his mind wakes up with the heat. Russia tucks his hands under America's shirt.

"Hey," America complains quietly, a playful smile on his face, "your hands are freezing."

"That's the point," Russia whispers.

America laughs quietly.

"Hey," Arizona says, "can you guys clear a seat so I'm not stuck up front?"

Russia pulls his legs off the last seat, and Arizona climbs back. Kentucky protests, but not for long.

Arizona bounces her legs with boundless energy and Russia smiles lightly.

'I will protect these kids. All of them,' Russia vows to himself.

"How're you doing kiddo?" America asks, propping his chin in Russia's hair.

"Doing good," Arizona chirps.

Then the radio comes to life.

"Hey," Philippines' voice rings out from the front console, "where are we going anyway?"

"Just away from here," America says. California takes the radio and repeats the sentiment.

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