XXXV - Sleepy Mornings

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"Hey, wake up sleepy head."

America shakes Russia's shoulder. Russia turns away and buries his head deeper into the pillows.

"Okay, fine. You can stay in bed. Well, I'll see you downstairs when you finally get up," America says as he leaves the room. 

Russia groans and latches onto one of the pillows on America's side. He hugs it close to his chest, trying to get comfortable.

'Want Meri.'

Russia stumbles to his feet and blearily walks downstairs. He searches the room and sees America standing at one of the counters, talking with Finland and Dixie. Russia shuffles over and latches onto America, hugging him from behind and leaning against him. He feels America laugh and shift slightly, but America doesn't push him off.

America says something Russia couldn't make out before going back to his conversation with the other two countries. Russia grumbles into America's shoulder about him leaving. America begins to rub the side of his head and Russia begins dozing off again. He goes quiet and just basks in the bliss of right here, right now. His mind is left happily blank.

"Alright, come on," America says, "we're moving to the couch because I think you're about to knock me over."

Russia complies, letting go briefly to let America readjust himself. He follows America with a yawn and when America sits down, Russia lays down on top of him, curling up in his lap and hugging his torso. America laughs quietly before stroking Russia's hair, and Russia melts into him.

"Who knew you could be so clingy," America says with a laugh.

"I'm tired," Russia whines, "and you left me there alone."

"O-o-oh," America says, laughing, "well I'm sorry. So you get all clingy when you're tired?"

Russia doesn't answer and hides his face. America laughs and fluffs up Russia's hair before flattening it back down again in gentle motions with one hand. 

"Do you want some tea or coffee?" America offers.

Russia grumbles.

"Come on, you can't stay asleep all day," America teases.

America tries to pull Russia away, but Russia isn't having it. He clings even tighter.

'Nope. Sleeping now.'

America laughs again before giving up.

"Looks like I'll be stuck on the couch for the foreseeable future," America comments, much to the delight of the others in the room.

Russia ignores the embarrassing feelings flooding his face and pretends to be asleep. Someone throws a blanket on top of his legs and America just keeps playing with his hair. Russia finds himself the most relaxed he'd felt, and he sinks into America's legs.

"Should we wake him up?"

"No, leave him be," America says softly, "It's been rough these past few weeks, and it doesn't seem like he's gotten enough sleep as is. Also, today is going to be a screens and relax type of day. I know there isn't much here to do, but I'll turn on some cartoons and we're just going to relax in pj's, okay?" 


Fast footsteps patter away and race up the stairs. Russia feels America move a little before settling back down.

"Wow, you're heavy," America mutters. 

Russia crinkles his nose. Russia hears the television turn on and flips through channels until it falls on something that says it is a "Cartoon Network." 

America throws the remote down and mumbles, "good enough."

Russia listens as the dialogue drags on and people shuffle into the room, dragging things in with them. Someone throws up his legs, so he curls them up against the back cushion, blocking America in on the couch. He pulls his face into America's stomach and America giggles and squirms a little.

"Hey! I'm ticklish," America says quietly behind his giggles.

Russia doesn't stop, just trying to find warmth and get comfortable. Eventually, he spins around, facing the tv and America traces shapes and letters on Russia's back, letting his nails graze along Russia's back. Russia goes limp in America's lap and almost falls off the couch. America grabs him and pulls him back. 

"You're gonna put me back to sleep at this rate," America complains, moving to have Russia on his chest.

"Good for him," Dixie says, "you need it."

"I do not!"

"If you still feel tired, you should rest."

Russia can almost feel America's pout in the air and can't help the soft giggling that escapes his mouth. 

"Okay, now I know you're awake," America chides, poking Russia's cheek. 

Russia shakes his head, trying to hide the smile growing on his face. He slides his arms under America's shirt just above America's hips and hums contently. America sighs dramatically. 

America tries to push Russia off, but Russia giggles while he falls right back where he wants to be.

"Aagh!" America says loudly.

Russia laughs. America sighs quietly before relaxing into the pillows tucked against the armrest. 

"You're mean," America complains.

Russia just tilts his head up and gives America a lopsided grin. America's resolve visibly melts at the look and Russia feels pride fill his heart. America's face goes pink and his mouth hangs open. Russia props himself up and kisses America on his parted lips before settling back on his chest. He faces the bright colors from the television, one eye open and smirking, waiting for America's reaction.

America go a bright red and stare off into space, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. When America looks back down at again Russia, Russia quickly averts his gaze elsewhere.

"He's perfect," Russia hears America mutter to himself. 

Russia feels his face heat up significantly. He turns away from the TV and faces the cushions to hide his red face. After a moment, America brushes Russia's hair to the side and begins laughing. 

"Your hair looks ridiculous," America says, playing with a few fluffy locks. Russia turns his head back to the TV.

"Hey," America complains quietly before taking another few locks in between his fingers. 

Russia moves his tired eyes to the brainless slapstick humor in the cartoons, gazing over the heads of the states around the room, all laying about on the living room rugs with mix and match blankets and pillows.

Russia tries to memorize this scene, this feeling. He closes his eyes and listens to America's heartbeat, feels his breathing. The rhythm is hypnotic and Russia drowsily closes his eyes.


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