XXX - Stary Skies

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"Yeah, Dad?"

"Could you bring me a notepad and a pen please?"

"Okay," Connecticut says. They get up and walk over to the piles of supplies to grab the items. Russia gives them a smile as they approach.

"Here you go," Connecticut says as they gently hand the paper to America.

"Thanks, kiddo."

"No problem."

America clicks the pen and begins writing. America tosses the notepad onto the floor and he lies across Russia's lap to reach it, holding to phone right beside the pad of paper. Russia feels his face heat up a little, but he tries his best to ignore it.


     -São Paulo

     -Rio De Janeiro





America glances at Russia before raising the phone up for Russia to see.

"Can you identify the other ones? Geography was never my thing."

Russia nods and America hands him the phone. Russia makes a grabby hand motion for the pen and America hands it over easily. Russia examines the maps closely before grabbing the notepad. He lays the paper onto America's back and begins listing the countries he recognized had been marked off.




Then Russia notes that some of his own states had gone missing. His eyes widen and he feels a pang in his chest.

'How did I not notice?'

"What's wrong?"

"Some of my own states had gone missing," Russia reluctantly admits.

"That's not good," America mutters, "did you ever have a close relationship with any of them?"

Russia shakes his head.

"No. We were business partners, but I can't leave them in captivity."

America nods in understanding.


     -Mari El


Unfortunately, with the poor quality of the photos, Russia couldn't make out any more marked-off countries. The blurry quality made it nearly impossible to tell which markings were extra notes and which ones are marking off smaller countries or states. He squints, but can't get any more useful information from the maps.

Russia sighs in annoyance. Then he feels America sit up a little. The notepad begins sliding down America's back and Russia snatches it up before it hits the ground. The sudden movement snaps Russia out of his stupor and he listens. The kids are quieter. Looking closer, he sees that many of them seem excited and the older states had the lanterns in hand.

"What does he mean by constellations?" asks Newfoundland.

"It's hard to explain," Maine says, "but it's really cool. You'll just have to wait."

America pulls himself up and clears his throat. The kids spin to look at him and America smiles.

"Okay kiddos, turn off the lights and cover windows."

Book 2 - The Angel Against RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now