XXXIII - New Home

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"So we are not going to be able to rent out about hotel rooms for all of us without a raising a lot of suspicions," America announces, "we are going to have to go and keep going until we get there. If you need caffeine, make sure we get it before leaving into the midwest, okay? It's probably going to take is maybe a day and a half if we drive through the night."

Russia flinches at the thought, and he isn't the only one. Even so, he doesn't say anything.

'70 people showing up to a hotel and trying to rent out a room anonymously will alert someone of our presence there.'

"We are leaving as soon as everyone is packed up and in the cars," America says, and the children nod before rushing to finish getting everything together.

America grabs one of the nearby crates of foodstuffs and hands it to Russia before turning back and grabbing one for himself. They walk outside, side by side, onto the slick grass.

The water hadn't frozen, but it's definitely cold. Russia helps shove the bins under the feet of the states and provinces while America goes to make sure that everyone knew where to go.

Finland and Canada do a cursory search of what's left in the building to make sure they hadn't left anything behind. Dixie herds the kids into the cars and closes doors behind them

"Hey, Amy?"

America hums in response.

"Who's gonna lead?"

"Russ and I will," America replies with a smile, "besides, I've been doing well enough. I can probably stay up to navigate."

Dixie nods. "Just let me know if you start getting too tired," he adds.

"Okay, will do," America replies flippantly, walking back toward the car he and Russia would be driving with Finland, Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Georgia, and Arizona already piled into the back seats.

Russia falls into the passenger seat, shaking his hands in an attempt to warm them up.

'I should've worn gloves.'

America jumps into the driver's seat and starts the car, blasting the heat. America takes up the radio.

"Are you guys ready to go?"

"Yes," Dixie replies.

"Yup," Florida shouts through the radio.

"We're ready," Maine says.

"We are as well," Manitoba volunteers.

"We're good to go over here," Pennsylvania says.

"Louisiana, Maryland, Rho?" America asks.

"We're good."

"Us too."


"Cali? Montana?"

"We need some gas, but we'll be fine for a little while," Prince Edwards Island says.

"Yeah. We need gas soon too, but we can get going," Newfoundland says.

"Alright," America says, tossing the radio to Russia, "tell them we're leaving and to follow me."

"Follow Kansas' car. We are leaving," Russia says into the radio.

Garbled affirmations spill from the receiver, and America pulls onto the slick roads. The tires kick up gravel and dirt. Russia rides off toward the sunrise.

They finally arrive at the plantation house at around 10 AM the next morning. They had managed to avoid any trouble on their way there, though Russia wasn't really sure how.

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