XXIX - List of the Missing

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'God this man.'

Emotions whirl around Russia's chest and he's left just wanting to kiss the person sitting in front of him.

So he does.

He kisses America deeply, hoping to translate how grateful he feels and the relief that floods his system. America reciprocates immediately, and Russia leans into him. He wants to keep going, but the fact that he could hear the chatter of kids around him causes him to stop.

He pulls back and America looks at him with a caring smile. Russia can't help the love-struck grin that crosses his face.

"I thank you," Russia says softly.

"Not a problem, Rue. I'm not letting you do this by yourself."

Russia hugs America tightly and tucks his head into America's soft hair.

"I love you," Russia mutters.

"I know," America mumbles, "I love you too."

Russia smiles.

'We have a plan,' he thinks with relief.

Finally feeling like he could breathe again, Russia picks up the phone and begins typing.

"I will find Ukraine and bring him back home," Russia types, "do you want the pictures we have?"

It takes a moment for the phone to go off again.


- Bela."

Russia begins to send as many pictures as he could find in the phone's camera roll to his father's phone number.

"That's everything we have," Russia texts.

")))" Belarus replies.

Russia pockets the phone and gives America a smile.

Russia feels like he could fly. He takes America's hands and smiles brightly, his face warm. America smiles back.

"Come on," America says, releasing Russia's hand for a moment as he begins to stand, "if I have to rest, you do too."

America offers his hand and Russia takes it. America pulls, and Russia stumbles up to his feet. America tugs him over to the mat and Russia follows behind. America hauls him into the blankets and Russia falls into them. Russia curls into the blankets and America tucks himself under Russia's chin.

Oklahoma and Arizona crawl in with them, sitting against the blankets around America.

"Hey Oaky, how're you doing?"

"Just worried about you," Oklahoma replies.

"Why's that?"

"We just want you to be safe, Dad," Arizona adds.

"I won't abandon you guys if that's what you're thinking," America says reassuringly, patting them both on the head.

The kids giggle. Russia chuckles. They look up at Russia and then Arizona smiles. Arizona shifts a little and glances over both America and Russia.

"Maybe having two dads isn't so bad," Arizona says confidently, throwing her hands back behind her head, leaning back into the cushions.

Russia's mind stops working and his whole face grows hot.

"Russ~ Are you still there?" America says, poking Russia in the side.

Russia nods his head and when he looks at America, America begins laughing. Russia's face twists in confusion and America tries to muffle his laughter with his hands.

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