XV - Cheshire Grin

701 30 51

A few hours after sunset, Russia hears the disposable phone ringing from the glove box. He leans over and pulls the glovebox open. He pulls it out and answers.


"Hey Russ, it's York. Just wanted to let you guys know that the hotel rooms were put under the name Ivan Chernov, and you may have to be the one getting keys. Your father was able to pay for it because they didn't take cash. Apparently, he didn't like what happened at the motel."

"Okay. Thank you," Russia says, and New York hums.

"How's everything going?"

"It's alright. I think America is feeling better."

"That's good," New York says with relief, "I was really f*cking worried. It's also good that you are staying inside a hotel. You're a lot less likely to be attacked. It's also good to hear that you're getting better too."

Russia nods.

"How are the other states doing?"

"They are as good as they could be. It's stressful, but we will be okay."

"Also, you can take pictures with the phone. They aren't good quality, of f*ckin' course, but it could be useful. Text pictures of whatever you find if you can't take it with you."

"How do you take pictures?"

"Tuck will figure it out if you give him the phone before you leave for the base. Don't get yourselves killed," New York says before hanging up.

Russia chuckles and tosses the phone back into the glove box. His hand brushes America's leg and he looks over with a smile. Russia yawns and refocuses on the road, listening to America's humming, enjoying his quiet company. America smiles and takes his hand. Russia squeezes his hand with a smile.

They arrive a little after 2 AM. Outside is dark, and a cold wind whips around them. Russia's breath comes in puffs of white and he shivers. America walks behind him and hugs him around the waist. Russia smiles but pulls away.

"We need to get inside," Russia says, and America pouts.

"But you're shivering."

"I can't walk if you attached to me."


Russia gathers his bag and a sachel and the others follow him into the lobby.

"Hello!" the clerk chirps, "are you here to rent out a room?"

"Yes," Russia replies, "I have rooms under the name 'Ivan Chernov.'"

"Ohh! I like the accent! How long are you staying?"

"It should only be a few days."

"Alrighty. Well, here's your keys. Y'all will be in rooms 206, 207, and 208. Have a good rest of your night!"

"Thank you," Russia says, taking the cards and walking into the elevator.

"Who's going to what room?"

"Russia and I are taking Tuck and Ari. Cali can go with New Hampshire, Philip, and Wyoming. Tex, you're going with New Mex, Al, and Sippi. Behave yourselves. If you want to go get breakfast, everyone has to go together. We shouldn't see anything while we're here, but everyone has to be careful," America warns.

"Okay Dad," Texas says.

"Will do," Califonia says.

The elevator opens and they walk quickly to their rooms at the end of the hall. Russia walks in with America right behind him. Kentucky and Arizona walk in and Russia falls back onto the bed. America falls on top of him.

Book 2 - The Angel Against RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now