X - Preparation

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Russia walks out and sees America sitting on the steps, chin on his fist.

Russia opens his mouth to try to speak, but nothing comes out. He tries again, but he finds his voice had been reduced to a shallow whisper.

"...Meri?" he rasps.

"Oh. Hey, Russ," America says, staring into the trees.

"I'm sorry," Russia tries to say.

"What?" America asks, looking up at Russia.

"I'm sorry," Russia tries again, but still, his voice doesn't cooperate.

'So I could scream before and now I can't talk?!' he thinks, frustration bubbles up from his throat.

America chuckles.

"Sounds like your screaming messed up your voice," America suggests.

Russia looks down.

"Sit with me?" America asks, patting the step next to him. Russia takes a seat.

"Sorry for snapping at you," America says, "you're stressed and upset. I just saw myself on the other end of the phone and I...I freaked out. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I should've been more on your side, and I am. I'm so happy you decided to stay with us."

America puts his head on Russia's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Russia forces out before he hunches over in a coughing fit and America pulls away. He clutched at his throat.

'It burns.'

'But I have to apologize.'

"I shouldn't have. You were-" Russia is cut off again by another fit of coughing.

"Hey, don't hurt yourself," America says.

An iron-y taste paints the back of his tongue.

"I forgive you. It's okay. I'm here," America says.

They sit quietly, and America returns his head to Russia's shoulder. Then, America shivers.

"Let's go back inside," America says quietly, "it's getting cold."

Russia stands and helps America to his feet. America takes his hand and smiles. Russia pulls him up and they walk back inside the building. Russia heaves open the door and they walk in hand in hand.

"You know, your dad's probably just worried about you," America mutters.

Russia nods before making grabby-hands at a nearby pad of paper with a pen attached to it. America giggles and grabs it, handing it to Russia.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you," Russia writes, "I will call my father once I can talk again."

America smiles. "Sounds like a plan," he says.

Russia looks around at the others and sees the dirty looks they're giving him. He looks at his shoes and America steps in front of him.

"Hey, he's fine! He's fine," America defends, standing in between the states and Russia.

A few more scowls are shot his way, but nothing more. Russia looks down again and America leans up and pecks him on the cheek. Russia freezes up and his eyes shoot to America's proud smile.

Once he faces America, America grabs his face and kisses him. Russia's eyes shut and he leans in. America pulls back. Russia pouts playfully and America smirks. Russia swiftly recaptures America's mouth in a deep kiss and nibbles on his lip.

"Hey, not in front of the children!" Dixie scolds, and Russia pulls away, red-faced.

America pulls him down and kisses him one last time before fully pulling away, retreating with a smirk. Russia crosses his arms and tries to calm himself down. America giggles before pulling him by his hand over to the pile of things against the wall.

Book 2 - The Angel Against RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now