V - Screams

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Russia grows frustrated, staring angrily at the small fox in his lap.

'I can't speak. I can't walk. I can't even hold a doll by myself.'

Nothing he tries to say comes out right. He tries to ask questions, tries to tell America how much he likes the doll, tries to say anything at all. It all comes out as gibberish. Unfortunately for his temper, he has nothing else to do to distract himself. Everyone had shut down their phones before leaving the city and had gotten radios before leaving Colorado to communicate.

He tries to work out his mouth as if to convince it to cooperate. Open. Close. Open. Close. Pop music plays in the background from the radio, just loud enough for Russia to whisper under it without feeling like everyone had heard his garbled speech.

Russia tries his best to get his tongue and mouth to make any understandable sounds.

"America," he tries.

'It still doesn't sound right.'

'It never sounds right.'

He clenches his fists as tight as he can, only to realize that his fists can't even fully close anymore. He made a sort of growling noise under his breath.

"Russ, are you doing okay?" America asks.

Russia shakes his head and tries to cross his arms.

"What's wrong?"

'I can't even tell you!'

Russia averts his eyes back to the fox doll.

"Hey, look at me," America says.

Russia begrudgingly looks up and notices that America looks worried.

"What about this, I'll ask yes or no questions and I'll try to figure out what it is, okay? Just nod or shake your head. Sound good?"

Russia reluctantly nods. America gives him a small smile.

"Okay, so, are your fingers bothering you?"


"Are they painful?"


"Is it because they're hard to use?"


"Is that it?"


America hums in thought before turning back.

"Are you upset because I couldn't understand you?"

'Yes. No one can.'

"Well, do you remember last time this happened?"


"Do you remember how long it took to start talking again?"


"I know this sucks for you, but you are getting better. You were walking around and can move your fingers," America says optimistically.

Russia looks away, feeling even more frustrated than before. America sighs.

"Are you this upset because you can't do things by yourself?"

Russia closes his eyes. He doesn't want to admit it. He feels embarrassed and helpless. Ultimately, he doesn't answer.

"Is this because you don't want to ask for help?"

Russia nods, feeling his cheeks burn with shame. America sighs. Russia forcefully stares out the window, watching the hills roll by.

Book 2 - The Angel Against RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now