XLIX - Tremors

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This chapter has a header image brought to you by the lovely humanized-nonhumans on Tumblr.

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Thank you so much for the fanart! I adore it!

Anyway, back to the story!


Russia races out the door, following closely behind America. America seems frantic, and anxiety floods Russia's system. He can feel his heartbeat behind his eyes and his breathing gets heavy. They make it downstairs to see a huge group of kids surrounding something.

Russia's ears begin to throb, but he ignores it the best he can. America pushes past the kids, and Russia finds it somewhat amusing as even the tallest of his brood would part ways once they saw him coming. 

Russia peaks over the heads of most of the crowd to see Dixie wrestling with Egypt. Both seem really aggravated. America raises his hands and opens his mouth with a scowl. Russia flinches at the pain that shoots through his skull.

The states fan out and America looks to Canada and Russia for help. Russia nods and walks forward, and Canada approaches from his left. Russia and America grab Dixie and tug him away. Dixie thrashes, and Russia finds himself begin shaking, feeling as if someone is taking a sledgehammer to the sides of his head. 

Canada pulls Egypt back and Egypt stands, brushing himself off with a scowl. 

Dixie continues to try to pull away, and the pain in Russia's head gets unbearable. Russia hurriedly shoves Dixie's weight into America. America stumbles a little, but the sudden movement seemed to snap Dixie out of whatever rage he had gotten himself into. Though Russia didn't plan to stick around long enough to watch the outcome.

Russia shrinks back from the room and backs into the kitchen. He stumbles and his back hits the kitchen cabinets. He falls to the ground and curls up, his shuddering hands moving to cover his ears. 

Suddenly, he feels a breeze from motion in front of him. His eyes fly open and he looks up to see America kneeling in front of him, looking concerned. 

"(Do you need help?)"

Russia tucks his face into his knees and tries not to cry. Then he feels another set of hands cover his own. Russia looks up a little to see America giving him a comforting look. The throbbing lessens a little and Russia blinks away his tears. 

America looks over his shoulder and says something. Then America turns back to Russia with a gentle smile, but his eyes shine with distress. Russia stares up at him, hoping his questions would translate through his expression. 

'What's going on?' 

'What's happening to me?'

'Is everyone okay?'

America nods and slowly removes his hands before quickly signing.

"(It's okay. No problems. Everything is okay now.)"

Russia gives a small nod.

Then America looks up, at first looking alarmed. Then his expression turns furious. America gives Russia one last small smile before swiftly whipping around and stomping out of the room, radiating rage and few bright blue sparks around his hands. 

Russia is left sitting on the kitchen floor, shaking. 

'Why is this happening?' Russia thinks desperately, clamping his hands to the sides of his head, trying to drown out the now overwhelming ringing noise.

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