XL - Nuclear Backlash

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Russia jolts awake with a scream creeping up his throat. Images of his tortures flash in his mind's eye and his body lurches forward as if to sit up only for his hip to force him back down with a cry of pain. He falls back with tears in his eyes and sniffles, holding the hole in his hip.

"You must calm down," a calm voice says from above him.

Russia looks up and sees a mature face and a familiar flag that takes him a moment to recall.


Russia focuses on slowing down his breathing and tries to ignore the excruciating pain in his abdomen. He takes a deep breath and flinches. He sits quietly and shivers, but the movement feels disconnected.

Russia starts looking around and sees a limp America tucked into a nest bunch of blankets on one of the seats. As soon as Russia sees that America is okay, he slumps back again with a sigh of relief.

"Is everyone okay?" Russia asks hoarsely.

Dixie turns around in the driver's seat with a worried look.

"Yeah. We're okay," Dixie says, "at least, for now. You and Egypt need some medical intervention. But we ain't sure if we're being followed cuz this is one of the cars from the base."

Russia hums quietly and closes his eyes. He tries to breathe more deeply, but the skin on his chest stretches painfully in protest. His breathing shuttered.

"I know Russ," Connecticut says softly, "I'm sorry."

"I still could've taken it," Texas mutters.

"No!" Russia exclaims before cringing in pain, "no."

Texas huffs and crosses his arms.

"How long until we get back?" a familiar voice asks.


"It... it might be a while," Dixie mutters.

Russia tries his best not to move or make any noise, but every breath makes him cringe. He looks up a little more and sees Nigeria sitting underneath him. He blushes and tries to pull up. Stars flash in his vision. He gasps. Nigeria gently lays him back down.

"You are okay," Nigeria says calmly, "do not move."

Russia relaxes a little and his face grows red. He tries his best to go back to sleep to avoid the pain, but with every bump, he jolts and tries not to cry. Tears prick the corners of his eyes.

"It is okay," Nigeria says quietly, gently petting the top of his hair, "it is okay."

Russia continues to try to fight the tears back until they hit another pothole and he chokes. He weeps quietly, embarrassed. Dixie presses hard on the breaks and Russia yelps when Nigeria grabs him to keep him from falling off the seat. He feels his senses go fuzzy and he finds he can't focus on anything around him.

"Shhh," Nigeria says quietly before she begins singing a soft song.

The tune sounds like a lullaby, but Russia doesn't recognize any of the words. He forces his attention to it, trying to understand the meaning. Russia knew he wouldn't have a chance, but it is something else to focus on. He feels his eyelids slide closed.

When he wakes up again, it's dark outside.

Russia groans quietly. He's sitting up now, but he finds that as long as he doesn't move, it isn't too painful. He looks around and doesn't see much in the dark, but the ceiling looks familiar.

'Am I in the truck?'

Russia examines the area in front of him and gazes out the windshield. The lights outside give Russia the impression that one of the headlights had been broken.

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