VII - Leaky Faucet

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The children run around the area, mostly just getting rid of nervous energy. California mans the radio and Ohio helps set up the generator outside and against an outside wall. California flips through radio channels, trying to find anything interesting.

Russia practices walking along the wall, leaning against it.

'I have to do this.'

'I have to get my autonomy back.'

"Hey four-eyes, catch!" Alabama shouts from the floor above.


A rock clatters on the metal grate. Thumping steps and running rings out above his head on the metal grates. He looks up and smiles at the mischief.

'It reminds me of home.'

Russia finishes circling the building, noting some of the doors along the walls. He makes it over to America, who is sitting in a blanket nest the states had constructed. He blunders forward, his legs sore. He stumbles and falls down into the middle. America chuckles and helps him sit up before pulling him into his lap. Russia stiffened a little before relaxing. He smiles. America kisses the back of his neck just below his hairline.

Russia leans against America and closes his eyes. He listens to the chaos around him. It sounds like the kids were finally able to relax a little. They were safe here, at least for now.

'I'm not used to being held.'

'I like it.'

"Warm," Russia says quietly.

America giggles.

"You like this?"


America tightens his arms a little before letting go.

"I'll have to enjoy your company later, okay?" America asks, "I have to go and make sure my kids know I love them."

Russia nods and moves out of the way. Once America gets up, Russia snuggles into the warm spot of the blankets. He watches America walk around as best as he could, and offer warmth to the states. The states mob him with hugs and smiles. America grins and makes sure to give them each hug and tell them things that Russia couldn't make out.

The states look ecstatic, enthusiastically talking and grouping around him. America laughs and gathers up as many of the states as he can, and hugs them tightly. They talk happily, and the states look so excited, some of them bouncing in place and laughing. After the states calm down a little, America comes back, but he had a weird look on his face.

'He seems uncomfortable,' Russia notes.

Russia gets up and lets America back into his spot. America settles back with a wince.

Russia sits up with concern.

"Okay?" Russia asks urgently.

"Yeah, I'm okay," America mumbles.

Russia is not convinced.

"," Russia says. The last word sounds garbled, but America turns around anyway.

Russia carefully pulled his shirt up to look at his injury. The area looks angry and red, and a little blood drips out from the now red-stained dressings. He gently presses the bloody bandages.

"How.....long?" Russia asks, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"It wasn't too bad. I just...the states may have been a little rough," America says with a pained laugh, "don't tell 'em, okay? I don't want them to be upset."

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