XIX - Puzzle Pieces

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Russia swallows back the heavy guilt.

"So, is 'Rue' my new nickname?" Russia asks playfully.

"Yeah," America asserts, "You like it?"

Russia rolls his eyes, but the small smile doesn't fade.

'It's cute, but only when he's saying it.'

"I love it, Stars," Russia replies, smiling at the new nickname.

America's eye lights up and Russia smiles. Russia tries his best to ignore the sinking feeling the bandages on America's face give him. Russia looks away.

'I know America doesn't blame me.'

'I still feel so guilty.'

Russia's face falls.

"Hey, don't worry about it, okay?" America soothes, trying to comfort him.


"Besides," America says, pulling him into a hug, "now I can say I'm more of a pirate than England ever was. Scotty and Wales are takin' my side, I know it."

Russia holds in laughter, hands over his mouth.

America gives him a proud grin.

"ARGH!" America yells and holds up his hand in the shape of a hook.

Russia laughs loudly behind his hands. America pulls his hands down and presses their foreheads together. Russia tries to restrain his giggles and America begins laughing as well.

America pulls his hands away and begins shaking them. Russia quiets and looks up, meeting America's eye. America smiles right back and pecks him on the cheek. Russia's cheeks warm up, and he grins.

"For real though, don't worry about it. I've always wanted an awesome face scar, I'm not gonna complain now that I got one."

"You are very silly," Russia groans, but he can't wipe the smile off his face.

"I know, darlin', but that ain't gonna stop me!" America cackles, and Russia playfully pushes him, trying to hide his giggling into his hands.

Russia shifts around a little, situating the headboard to his left. He leans into the pillows, smiling at America, who is chattering away with Philippines. America turns around and offers Russia a huge smile. Russia can't help but smile back.

America worms his way into Russia's arms and sits in his lap. America pulls Russia's right arm over his shoulder, and Russia wraps his other arm around America's stomach. America leans against the headboard, pinning Russia's arm in fluff. America curls up a little and looks up with a smug smile on his face.

Russia rolls his eyes but complies, smiling down at him. America lays over and relaxes for a moment before Alabama pokes his head up above the edge.

"Hey, Dad?"

"What's up, kiddo?"

"I got some of them papers, but they don't make no sense. Sippi says it might be government lingo or somethin'. Could you take a look?"

"Yeah sure, hand 'em over."

Alabama hands over a large stack of papers held together by a binder clip.

"Thanks, kiddo."

America begins flipping through them before stopping on one of the pages and tilting it up, letting Russia see the words. Russia scans through them and furrows his eyebrows.

"Doesn't this look familiar?" America asks, suspicion in his tone.

Russia begins scanning the pages and frowns.

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