XXXVII - Bright Blue

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Russia watches with a smile as America, North Carolina, Kentucky, Montana, and Wisconsin continue their game. America is laughing and dramatically flailing his hands in the air, and the children laugh when he wacks the tower.

Russia watches as the scene seemed to slow down, his smile growing. He sees the horror register on America's face and how he tries to catch it while it crashes to the ground. Russia chuckles, leaning back into the cushions.

America throws his hands in the air and shouts in despair, sending the teens into hysterics. Russia grins at the dramatic display. America helps reassemble the tower before stepping back, letting New Hampshire take his place. America falls back onto Russia. Russia laughs and shoves him off.

"Hey!" America whines playfully, pouting.

Russia beams. America punches Russia's shoulder before laying in his lap. Russia sighs good-naturedly and taps America's nose.

"Boop," Russia mutters to himself with a lovestruck smile.

America's eyes light up and he squeaks. America brings his hands up to his chest and begins shaking them and snapping, a big smile on his face. Russia watches America with a broad smile and he feels his heart swell.

America throws his arms up and catches Russia by his shoulders, yanking Russia down in a huge hug. Russia's eyes spring open in surprise before he grins and wraps America up in his arms. America giggles happily, tapping a happy, nonsensical tune with his fingers. America pulls his legs up and just curls up in an excited, vibrating ball, hanging off Russia's shoulders.

Russia laughs and tucks his grin into America's chest. America tucks the bottom of his face into Russia's shoulder, his nose resting above.

"I love you," America sings, his voice muffled, "I love you. I love you. I love you~"

Russia pulls away and captures America's mouth in a deep kiss. America kisses back with enthusiasm. Russia moves, pulling America up into his lap. America straddles him and hooks his arms under Russia's, and grabs Russia's shoulders. Russia pulls away with a dopey grin, staring into America's eyes with happiness. America glows with happiness.

Russia watches America with an enamored smile before noticing a bit of a blue glow around America's healthy eye. Russia looks around at America a little more, only to realize America is literally radiating bright blue magic.

Light blue glittering spots spark around America, filling the air with static-y sparkles.

Russia watches them with wide eyes, captivated by the light show. America blushes and tries to dismiss the magic by waving it away. Russia takes America's hand and brings them down to stop the attempt.

The glittering magic reflects in America's eyes, catching Russia's attention once again. Russia finds himself slowly leaning forward, and a delightfully static feeling encases him. The world takes on a faint blue-ish tinge. Russia glances down at his hands, to see that his own body had taken a blue glow.

Russia's mouth falls open in shock. His eyes return to America and America smiles proudly.

"See," America says quietly, "you can glow too."

"How?" Russia mumbles.

America chuckles.

"Magic," America says sarcastically.

Russia looks back down at his hands incredulously.

"What the hell are y'all doin'?" Dixie shouts, snapping Russia out of his daze, "you're gonna blind us!"

"How?" Russia asks.

"Y'all were sitting over there, glowing like a fuckin' lightbulb while the rest of us are tryin' to live our lives," Dixie explains, crossing his arms.

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