XXXIV - Hypocrite

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Russia is just about to fall asleep when a phone rings. He jolts a little and hears America laughing at him for doing so. Someone answers, and the phone is handed to Russia. He yawns before putting it to his face.


"Hi," Belarus says, "I want to know if you will be attending the UN meeting today."

"There is a meeting today?"

"Yes. Did you not know?"

"When does it start?"

"In a few minutes. You might want to have the others with you as well."

"Okay. Thank you."

Belarus hums before hanging up. Russia stares at the phone for a moment before America snaps in front of his face, catching his attention.

"What was that about?"

"There is a meeting being called by the UN. It starts in a few minutes and I agreed to attend."

"Aw man. Why'd you agree?"

Russia scowls and waves off the question. America pouts and crosses his arms.

"Now I have to go too," America grumbles. 

Russia chuckles before pulling himself out of the chair.

"Hey, you can use my laptop to attend. Everything is well enough encrypted," New York volunteers.

Russia agrees and America takes the laptop from the teen.

"Thanks, Yankee."

New York rolls his eyes and walks off with New Jersey. 

"Feel free to use the study," Dixie calls from the kitchen, "and y'all just holler if you need anything."

"Okay. Thanks, Dixie!"

"No problem. Also, I'll send in Mrs. Finland  and Maple Syrup when I see 'em."

America laughs. 

"Okay!" America exclaims, waving dramatically to the kitchen. Dixie pokes his head out and waves with the spatula and a loud laugh.

They walk into the study, and Russia smiles at the pounding steps on the stairs. He sits back in one of the office chairs and glares at the screen. 

'I should've disagreed.'

America gets the meeting set up quickly and joins. He pushes the computer to the back of the desk and leans on the desk's edge.

 He pushes the computer to the back of the desk and leans on the desk's edge

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"Well, look who took his bloody time coming back," UK sneers.

"Ja-sus, America, what happened to your eye?" Ireland asks, curious and not letting UK start his tirade.

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