XXXIX - Agony and Escape

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Russia stares up at the ceiling and a sinking feeling settles in his stomach. He tries to sit up, only for his hip to scream at him for trying to move at all. He falls back and his vision spins.

'I have to get up.'

'I have to.'

Russia pushes himself up and bits his cheeks to keep from crying out. The skin on his torso pulls uncomfortably and his hands burn, his right-hand throbbing more painfully.

He pulls his right hand inward but carefully makes sure that it doesn't touch his stomach. He stands up on shaky legs and the world blacks out for a moment while he gains his footing.

Russia's vision returns shortly after and he stumbles forward. He limps over to the doctor, ignoring the pangs from his hip as he approaches. Looking down at the pathetic figure pinned to the wall, Russia snarls.

The doctor looks up at him with fear.

"Please don't-"

'I've heard enough.'

Russia grabs the scientist by his neck with a low growl. He pins the doctor up against the wall and the doctor's legs swing wildly as he chokes. The knives that had pinned the doctor clatter to the floor, dripping with blood.

"You torment us! Why?!" Russia screams.

"R...research," The doctor rasps.

Russia presses harder and silences the man. The doctor claws at Russia's hand frantically until his movements become sluggish. Russia drops him and he collapses to the floor, gasping and weak.

Russia glares down at the doctor hunched over on the ground. He shuffles forward and the scientist jumps back.

"I'll tell you anything!" The scientist begs.

"How do we unlock the doors?" Russia demands, his eyes narrow.

"The keys," the scientist chokes, tossing a set of keys at Russia's feet.

Russia kicks them back to Dixie before turning back to the scientist. Russia's scowl deepens and the edges of his vision become a blood red. Before he gives it much thought, he takes one of the knives from the ground and swings.


The scientist falls back, clawing at his throat and gurgling as his blood sprays from his neck and the sticky red substance pools on the cell floor. Russia can't find it in himself to regret it.

He turns around to see America propped up on one of the walls and Texas and Connecticut holding their own against the hoard of guards streaming into the hallway. Dixie hurries around to the cells and begins to try to unlock as many of the cages as he can. Russia looks back down and sees America limp and pale.

Russia leans over and ignores how his vision spins. He puts his fingers to America's neck, feeling for a pulse. When he feels a strong heartbeat under his fingertips, the relief nearly brings him to his knees.

"You're okay," Russia says hoarsely under his breath, and he feels the tears return. He forcefully swipes them away.

"I have to get you out of here," Russia mutters.

Russia knows he's too injured to carry him. And although the realization comes with shame and longing, Russia begins trying to come up with another way out of here. He begins searching around when he sees Dixie with someone on his back and Connecticut and Texas being cornered.

Russia stumbles forward and yanks one of the reinforcement beams from the remnants of the wall. The pipe has shards of glass poking out from the top and Russia gives one last look to America, his shackles still smoking.

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