XX - It's Cold Outside

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"What?" America asks, a little confused.

"I mean, I get you were freaking out, but uh, why were you attacking Russia?" Wyoming elaborates.

America tenses. Russia takes America's hands and gently squeezes them. America sighs and leans back.

"It...I saw agents run in and... I saw them kill everyone but me," America mutters, his voice cracking. Russia tightens his hold. America swallows and tucks his cheek against Russia's chest.

"And I saw one of the people that killed you standing in front of me," America says quietly, facing Arizona, "but it wasn't... it wasn't an agent. Is it like instead of seeing Russia, I saw the person who killed my family."

"What stopped you?" Wyoming asks, his voice low.

"Well, I could hear Russia, but I didn't believe he was actually real until after I slashed at him," America admits, guilt filling his tone.

"It's okay," Russia whispers.

"I should've listened," America mutters, squeezing his eye shut and biting his lip.

"It's okay."

'I love you.' The thought is loud in Russia's mind, but he doesn't dare say it.

"I'm here," Russia reminds him.

"I know."

"Hey, Dad! Look!" Philippines calls, pointing out the open curtains.

"What?" America asks curiously.

"It's snowing!" Philippines exclaims.

"I was just outside," New Hampshire says, "it 70 degrees Phil. It's too warm."

"Not anymore. Look!" Alabama cheers.

"Aw man, I can't drive in that," California complains.

"Me neither," Texas agrees begrudgingly.

"I can," Russia says.

"You're still hurt," America protests.

"We can't stay here," Russia says, "and I can drive in the snow."

"I can too," New Hampshire says, "and these southerners are helpless in the cold."

"Can't argue with that," Mississippi says with a shrug.

"Coco did mention something about random snow," New Mexico says.

"I thought he was lying," Texas mumbles, looking outside.

"It's snowing pretty hard. Do we have anything to clean it off of the cars?"

"I think Del keeps a brush in the trunk. He told us not to move it."

The states continue to talk with each other, and Russia tunes them out. He focuses on America, who snuggles up against him. He looks down, curious. America meets his eyes. America smirks and cuddles tighter.

"What?" America says, "I gotta keep you warm somehow."

Russia smiles and pulls him up to his chest.

'He's so sunny. So warm.'

"How's your chest doing?" America asks, tracing the bandages.

"It'll be fine. You helped a lot," Russia says.

America pulls away from Russia a little and sits up. America spins around and straddles Russia's legs. He stares at Russia for a moment before pulling up Russia's shirt. Russia yelps and tries to pull it back down. Blood rushes to Russia's face, and it burns out of embarrassment.

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