XIII - Fever

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Russia watches the door with vigilance, or at least as much vigilance as he can manage as drowsiness fills his mind with a mild buzzing feeling. He fights to keep his eyes open.

The knocking had stopped maybe an hour ago, but Russia can't convince himself to get up to check. The two sit in silence, waiting for someone else to wake up. There's shuffling off to Russia's left, and when he turns to look, he sees Texas sitting up on the bed.

Russia turns away, and looks back at the door, holding his breath for another knock to ring out against the cheap wood.

"Dad?" Texas asks.

America hums.

"What are y'all doin'? Is everything okay?" Texas asks, walking over to the chair.

"We woke up to some knocking, and something almost made Russ let in whatever was outside," America explains, threading his fingers through Russia's hair.

"'Made him'?"

"Black-eyed children and their influence," America mutters.

Texas nods in understanding.

"I'll take over for y'all. Maybe then y'all can get some sleep."

America chuckles. "Make sure no one tries to open the door while we wash up?"

"Sure thing Pops."

America shifts slightly, and Russia gets up.

"You can go first," America says, and the two take turns getting dressed.

When America stumbles back to the chair, Texas disappears into one of the bathrooms and the other kids begin to stir. Russia drops back into the chair and pulls America into his lap. More quiet shuffling follows and soon, Alabama and Mississippi walk up and sit at America's feet.

"Mornin' Dad," Alabama mutters.

"G' mornin'," Mississippi mumbles.

"Good morning you two," America says with a smile, ruffling their hair, "did you two sleep okay?"

"Nah, felt kinda restless. Heard someone tryin' to get in, but figured y'all would deal with it," Alabama replies.

"Yeah. We heard some weird things last night," Mississippi adds.

America sighs before getting up, stumbling around Alabama and Mississippi to peek out the curtains on the window, only to sigh and return to the chair.

"What's wrong?" Russia asks.

"The things are hiding out just out of my magic view. We'll be stuck here for a while," America says with a sigh.

Alabama groans.

"What are we gonna do?" Mississippi complains.

"Nothing... at least for now. We're just gonna wait. They can't pass any closed thresholds," America explains, "I'm sorry, kiddos."

"Well, are we going to be figuring out what we're going to do?" New Hampshire asks.

"What do you mean?" New Mexico asks with a yawn, "aren't we just planning to get to the base and search for clues?"

"That's a stupid plan and you know it," New Hampshire rebuttals, "we need to know where they're looking and when we should interfere."

"Do you, like, have any ideas?" California asks, repainting her nails.

"Well, we have to figure that out," New Hampshire replies with a scowl.

Philippines moves in between the two, ready to break up any potential fights.

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