XXVIII - A Brother Gone

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Russia tunes out most of the talking until he sees one of the provinces standing by the window with a concerned look. Apparently, he wasn't the only one to notice.

"Hey Sassafras, what's going on?" Ontario asks, approaching the window.

"I don't know. Some animals are being weird outside," Saskatchewan replies, concern in his voice.

That catches Russia's attention.

Russia kisses America's forehead and stands up. He hurriedly walks over to the window and pokes his head out. The provinces clear the way for him and allow him a clear view of the baffling sight outside.

He stares dumbfounded as bears, deer, rabbits, and other animals that Russia can't fully make out all begin to gather around the slime and eat it. It seemed as though they had no interest in each other, and didn't seem to notice others around them. They eat and Russia watches as the rabbits begin to fall. At first, they looked almost drunk, but they began to topple over and stop moving.

The smaller animals fall first, and as Russia watches the display, the bears and deer stumble and begin to fight over the 'food'. Neither seemed to care that they were being disemboweled. It reminded him of the carcasses he had hacked apart in front of the mine.

Russia watches, almost mesmerized, as the larger animals go down. The bears lie down on the ground and Russia watches as the creature's breathing slows significantly until it stops for longer periods before it just doesn't start again.

Russia waits for one of them to rise back up from the ground and begin attacking the fortress, but they don't. The animals just lay there, dead.

Russia spins back to the room full of people and claps his hands, shouting, "Look at me!"

Heads spin to stare.

"If you ate the stuff outside, I need to know. NOW!" Russia demands, raising his tone. His voice sounds tight and angry in an attempt to hide his fear.

He is met with sincere shakes of the heads from frightened onlookers.

Russia sighs. America runs up to his side.

"What's wrong?"

"Animals outside were eating it and they seem dead now."

America swallows thickly.

"That's not good."

Russia nods.

"I will keep watch," Russia says.

"I will help," Finland volunteers, escaping the kids that surround her, a rifle in hand. Russia nods in appreciation.

"I want to help as well," America says. Russia shakes his head.

"You need to rest," Russia says.

"What do you mean I need to rest?" America complains.

"You were not well when you were not sleeping," Russia recalls aloud.

"I'm fine now," America emphasizes, holding his arms out as if to prove his point.

Russia shoots him a skeptical look and America pouts.

"He's right you know," Dixie comments, leaning against the barrel of his shotgun, "you need sleep, Amy. In fact, I don't think you should be leaving again any time soon."

America groans. "Fine! Fine. I'll go and sit over there. All alone," he whines.

Russia rolls his eyes and scoffs lightly. "The states will keep you company," he says with a smile that he fails to hide.

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