XII - Eyes

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Russia leans over, pulling America closer. America fidgets but doesn't pull away.

"Your work with the scythe was impressive," Russia mutters, he tucks his forehead into the crook of America's neck.

"Thanks," America says, "Make sure you don't crash, okay Cali?"

"Not a problem, dad!"

America's breathing is back to normal, and Russia feels his heart rate finally calm down. The adrenaline from the fight is finally beginning to filter out of his system.

"Is there anything else around?" Russia asks tentatively.

"Nah, I don't think so," America replies.

Russia tucks his head into America's neck with a sigh. He lays there for a moment, taking a deep breath in.

'You smell nice,' Russia thinks, nuzzling into America, smiling into the nape of his neck.

"Hey Dad, can you, like, navigate?" California asks.

"Sure kiddo, let me just grab the map," America says.

Russia loosens his arms to let America lean over to search for the atlas. Once America sits back up, Russia grabs him by the hips and pulls him back. Then he sweeps his hands over America's chest and holds America in a hug.

America relaxes against him and holds up a thick book of maps. Russia peeks over America's shoulder to peek at the crisscrossing of roads and rivers. America traces his finger along one of the roads on the map, humming softly.

"Just follow this until you can take an off-ramp onto interstate 15 going southbound. We're getting pretty close, so keep an eye out, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks," California chirps, her attention returning to the space illuminated by the high beams.

Russia watches the scenery pass, only to grow bored by the bland, washed-out colors. He stares out the windshield, and he lets his mind wander.

'I should call my father.'

'I don't want to do that right now. I'll do it tomorrow.'

'Touching America makes me feel nice. Hugs are nice'

'How many monsters are we going to fight?'

'I wonder what's really going on with the 'army'?'

'I should ask.'

"Meri?" Russia mumbles.

"Yeah?" America says.

"You said we had to 'take down an army.' What did you mean by that?"

"You heard me?" America asks incredulously.

"Yes, and that was the one thing that had me confused."

"Nothing else?" America asks.

Russia nods.

'His tone sounds off.'

"No. What army are you talking about?" Russia asks.

"Oh..." America mumbles quietly before swallowing, "um, so we think they're calling themselves 'The Revolution'. We think they're after us for our immortality, but we're not sure yet," he says, pain in his voice.

Anxiety and concern slams into Russia's chest.

'What did I forget? What did I forget?!'

"They have quite a few bases, but we don't know how many or where they are, which is why we're going in to gather information. So, we're going to the base we broke out of to see if we can scavenge anything," America mutters.

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