II - Run

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Frantic pounding on the door startles Russia awake. He sees Finland run to the door and yank it open.

"WE NEED TO GO!" Rhode Island shouts into the room.

"What?" Finland says as America sits up, looking tired.

"What's going on darlin'?" America asks sleepily.

"They're after us. There are weird cars circling the parking lot," Missouri stammers, "and Nevada says that they left to get back up."

Finland starts shaking the others awake and America turns to Russia. 

"Can you sit up?" America asks.

Russia tries, but can't pull himself up. He shakes his head.

America grins happily.

"You can move your head!" America chirps.

"Okay, that's great," Texas says, "but we don't have much time. We gotta get going."

America moves to stand, and Texas sighs annoyed.

"Come 'ere, I'll carry you. We have to hurry. Kandy, Ari, Mex, y'all got the luggage?"

"Yup, we're good," Kansas replies, gathering the bags.

Finland scoops Russia off the bed, and Texas pulls America onto his back.

Finland rushes down the stairs, and Russia lies stiffly in her arms. It was strange, being carried like a clunky box. There are several dozen other pairs of footsteps following them. Virginia bursts through the back door, gun in hand, and she scans the dark horizon. The lights outside had been smashed. They run through a near-pitch black parking lot, the crescent moon being the only light illuminating the cars.

Finland hurriedly drops Russia into the backseat, and America is dropped on top of him. America pushes himself up, and Russia looks up. The position Russia ends up in, under America, has his face feeling like it's on fire.

America meets his eyes and laughs.

"Yay, glad to know I didn't lose my magic," America teases.

America leans down and pecks Russia on the cheek. Russia feels his face grow even warmer. America lies back down on Russia's chest and drifts back off almost immediately. Someone jumps into the driver's seat and everyone else loudly scrambles into the car. Headlights and brake lights flicker on from all around, casting strange shadows against the car roof.

New Mexico pokes her head over the seat and sighs. She leans over the seat as Arizona slams on the gas. The car lurches forward, and New Mexico catches herself. She reaches over and pulls the middle seatbelt over Russia, clicking it into place.

"It's gonna be a bumpy ride," she mumbles before returning to her seat.

The car swerves. Kansas' phone rings and someone connects it to the car speakers. 

"So, I called the President, and I think we're in deep sh*t," New York starts.

Shouts ring out from the speakers, and America turns his head away. 

"What did he say?" America mutters.

"He said something about how there's nothing to worry about. BULLSH*T!" New York yells in frustration.

"Anything else?" Virginia asks.

"The motherf***er implied that immortality wasn't just for us. I don't know what the f*** that's supposed to mean. All I do know is that the gov is a bunch of backstabbing b****es," Massachusetts rants.

"That's not good. Not good at all," America mumbles. 

"You can say that again," Texas grumbles.

Book 2 - The Angel Against RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now